Episode 1335: Is Traditionalism a bridge too far?

11 months ago

So I did an episode on the monastic life and for many it just isn’t possible for many reasons (family commitments, stage in life) although to give it up for Christ is the best course of actions, people today are so struggling with this modern world that monasticism is a bridge too far, they first need to learn how to properly separate from the worldly influences. We are often told that as Catholics we are in this world but not of this world. As Traditional Catholics we have great priests as examples but we are not religious ourselves and so we truly can’t live the pious lives they do. It’s as if there is this veil between us and heaven that forces us to remain in this world and yet not of this world. That is no easy feat. So as Traditional Catholics we do our very best to practice the faith and push out the modern worlds influences on our lives and our family, but is that truly even living in this world? There is really only one way and that is to live a traditional catholic life. By trying to live in this world any other way won’t cut it. Let’s discuss this.
Traditional Catholics strive to live their faith and uphold traditional teachings within the context of the modern world. Here are some general ways in which traditional Catholics navigate their lives:

Faith and Worship: Attend Mass regularly, the Traditional Mass, Participate in devotions such as the Rosary, novenas, and Eucharistic adoration. The more you do this the more you are asking Christ and the Blessed Mothers assistance to strengthen you in this practice.

This next one is a Biggy and one often not practiced which brings Catholics into a free fall so to speak right into the worldly values and before you know it they struggle to get out of it. This will require you to be around fellow Catholics to reenforce you. Its really difficult to do it alone. Especially today when our culture will come after you for your beliefs.
Moral Teachings: Prioritize the moral teachings of the Church by living your lives accordingly. This includes following traditional teachings on issues such as abortion, contraception, marriage, and sexual ethics. This will emphasize the importance of traditional family values and the preservation of truly Catholic roles.
Catholic moral teachings provide guidance on how to live a virtuous and morally upright life. Here are some key aspects of Catholic moral teachings:

Natural Law: Traditional Catholics believe in the concept of natural law, which suggests that there is an inherent moral order in the universe that can be discerned through reason. Natural law forms the basis for understanding right and wrong, and it is seen as a reflection of God's eternal law.

Sanctity of Life: Traditional Catholics uphold the sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death. They oppose practices such as abortion, euthanasia, and assisted suicide. They believe that all human beings are created in the image and likeness of God and possess an inherent dignity and worth.

Sexual Ethics: Traditional Catholics adhere to the Church's teachings on sexuality and marriage. They believe that sexual acts are reserved for the marital union between a man and a woman and should be open to the procreation of children. They reject contraception, premarital sex, extramarital affairs, pornography, and same-sex sexual relationships.

Family Values: Traditional Catholics place a strong emphasis on the importance of the family unit. They believe in the indissolubility of marriage and the complementary roles of husband and wife. They strive to uphold the traditional family structure and promote the upbringing of children in a loving and stable environment.

Social Justice: Traditional Catholics are called to work for social justice caring for the poor, or the vulnerable, and marginalized members of society. They advocate for policies that promote human dignity, support the traditional family.

Virtues and Moral Character: Traditional Catholics seek to cultivate virtues in their lives. They aspire to develop virtues such as prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance, which enable them to make moral choices and live a virtuous life. They also seek to avoid vices and sinful behaviors that hinder their spiritual growth.
Additionally, the Catholic Church continues to provide guidance and teachings on contemporary moral issues as they arise, and traditional Catholics engage with these teachings in light of their commitment to tradition and orthodoxy.

Sacraments and Sacramentals: Traditional Catholics place a strong emphasis on the sacraments, particularly the Eucharist and Confession. They may seek out parishes or religious communities that offer the sacraments in a traditional manner. Additionally, we use sacramentals such as the rosary, wearing medals, scapulars, and the use of holy water as aids in their spiritual lives. We make our homes into little chapels to remind us of why were are truly here.

Prayer and Spiritual Life: Traditional Catholics often have a rich prayer life, incorporating various prayers and practices into their daily routines. They may follow traditional prayer formulas such as the Liturgy of the Hours or use prayer books containing traditional prayers. They may also seek spiritual direction from priests who are knowledgeable about traditional Catholic spirituality.

Community and Fellowship: Traditional Catholics may form or seek out communities of like-minded individuals who share their devotion to traditional Catholicism. This can include joining traditional religious orders, attending traditional Catholic conferences and retreats, or participating in social and charitable activities organized by traditional Catholic groups.

Education and Study: Traditional Catholics value a solid understanding of their faith and its traditions. They may seek out resources, books, and online platforms that offer in-depth explanations of Catholic teachings, Church history, and the lives of the saints. They may also prioritize Catholic education for their children, either through homeschooling or by choosing traditional Catholic schools.

If you wonder why it is you just don’t fit in well, the good chance is you are practicing your faith. If you find yourself fitting in just a little too well, then the chances are you are of this world and need to start practicing your faith. SO is traditionalism a bridge too far, yes if you want to be of this world and absolutely not if you want to know, to love and to serve your god to be with him in heaven. It’s the only way and the only bridge.

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