How to make Samosa Chaat

10 months ago

Samosa chaat is a popular Indian street food that combines crispy samosas with tangy chutneys, yogurt, and various toppings. Here's a recipe to make samosa chaat:


4-6 samosas (store-bought or homemade)
1 cup boiled chickpeas
1 cup plain yogurt
Tamarind chutney
Mint chutney
Chaat masala
Red chili powder
Roasted cumin powder
Finely chopped onions
Finely chopped tomatoes
Chopped coriander leaves
Sev (crispy chickpea flour noodles)
Salt to taste

Prepare the samosas: If using store-bought samosas, follow the package instructions to bake or fry them until crispy. If making samosas from scratch, prepare the filling and dough, and fry them until golden brown. Allow them to cool slightly before using in the chaat.

Prepare the chutneys: You can make tamarind and mint chutneys at home, or use store-bought ones. If making at home, soak tamarind in warm water for 15 minutes, then strain and discard the pulp. Mix the tamarind water with jaggery or sugar, red chili powder, and salt to taste. For mint chutney, blend mint leaves, coriander leaves, green chilies, ginger, lemon juice, and salt to a smooth paste.

Assemble the chaat: Place the samosas on a serving plate or in a shallow bowl. Break them into bite-sized pieces. Add a generous amount of boiled chickpeas on top.

Drizzle yogurt: Pour the plain yogurt over the samosas and chickpeas. You can adjust the quantity based on your preference.

Add chutneys and spices: Drizzle tamarind chutney and mint chutney over the yogurt. Sprinkle chaat masala, red chili powder, roasted cumin powder, and salt to taste. The amount of chutneys and spices can be adjusted according to your taste.

Garnish: Sprinkle finely chopped onions, tomatoes, and coriander leaves over the chaat.

Add crunch: Top it off with a generous amount of sev, which adds a crispy texture to the chaat.

Serve immediately: Samosa chaat is best enjoyed fresh. Serve it immediately after assembling, so that the samosas and other ingredients retain their crispiness.

Samosa chaat is a versatile dish, and you can customize it by adding other toppings like grated carrots, pomegranate seeds, or chopped green chilies. Enjoy this delicious and flavorful street food snack!

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