Part Nine: The Rise and Fall (and rise and fall) of "The Makeover Guy®"

10 months ago

The turn of the century started with a bang. My father shot himself while cleaning a gun. After weeks in intensive care, we didn't know if the doctor would approve his trek to Jackson Hole, where I was performing for the 4th of July that year.

On April 15th of, 2002, he was diagnosed with terminal cancer and died on July 30th. I sang in 2003 in Hannover, Germany, but I knew that was as good as it would get, and I changed my focus to becoming an author. This led to several production companies vying for a "reality show." But my market, over 45, is too old to support anything advertisers are interested in pursuing. Alas, alack, it remains true.

I then created a 100-part series called "Whadja Do Today?" An almost opportunity that led to a show being in the top 10 for Universal Studios also ended up on the floor because of the aging market.

#makeoverguy #documentary #partnine

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