Closing California - RFK Jr - Covering For Biden

10 months ago

Bill to Stop Employees Confronting Shoplifters Passed by California Senate

Lawmakers in California are hoping to push through controversial legislation that would ban retail staff from stopping thieves stealing from their stores.

Senate Bill 553, which was submitted by State Senator Dave Cortese, has been passed by the State Senate and will now progress to policy committees in the State Assembly. Cortese hopes the proposed law will prevent workplace violence and protect staff from being forced by their employers to step-in during robberies.

California $950 theft and shoplifting law 2023

California theft law changed significantly following the coming into force of Proposition 47, which introduced new regulations on the classification of theft related offenses.

The law reclassified what theft crimes constitutes a felony or misdemeanor, primarily setting threshold on the monetary value on a stolen item to qualify the offense as a misdemeanor or felony and in some cases, removing the discretionary powers granted prosecutors and juries on when to charge a suspect with misdemeanor or felony for theft crimes.

Businesses Are Fleeing San Francisco In Droves, Leaving The City Devastated As Crime, Drug Use Runs Wild

Businesses from retail stores to major corporations have left California in droves over the past few years amid rising crime and skyrocketing drug use, costing the city hundreds of millions per year.

San Francisco has witnessed significant increases in crime over 2023, with a 10% rise in homicides, a 14.7% rise in robberies and a 5.4% rise in motor vehicle thefts per data from the city’s police department.

RFK Jr. says he can beat Biden in 2024 primary

Kennedy has support from 19% of Democratic primary voters, per a Fox News poll

Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. insists he has a path to beat President Biden in a 2024 primary, even without a debate.

Kennedy hopped on the phone with Fox News Digital last week and spoke on securing the border, his uncle John F. Kennedy’s assassination and his chances of unseating Biden in a Democratic primary election.

CNN Hosts Joked and Laughed About Discovery of Cocaine in the White House

CNN hosts joked about the discovery of cocaine in the White House on Wednesday morning, dismissing it as a crime where no one was hurt and laughing it off.

Everyone knows how differently the far left network would treat this issue if it had happened at the Trump White House.

The Corporate Media Can’t Come Back After Playing A Key Role In Running Cover-Up For Biden Family Corruption

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