Sightings- Gulf Breeze 6 Ouija Board

10 months ago

582 views Jan 15, 2022
On July 9 1990 six intelligence specialists from the 701st Military Intelligence Brigade, stationed in the joint US Army/NSA listening station in Augsburg, at the time in West Germany, deserted together.
These soldiers held high security clearances (Augsburg at the time was the most important NATO listening post, intercepting and analyzing Soviet communications) so a giant manhunt began immediately to no avail.
On July 14 1990 a patrolman from the Gulf Breeze (Florida) Police Department stopped a van with a broken taillight.
One of the soldiers (the only one without a driver’s license, of all things!) was at the wheel. He checked the man’s identity on his onboard computer and did his duty: he arrested the man for being absent without leave.
He talked with his superior on the radio, asking him to contact the nearest Military Police unit, and drove him back to the station. When he arrived with the prisoner he was in for a shock: the soldier was not to be charged, nor interrogated, nor anybody was to talk with him. The Gulf Breeze Police was to hold him until Military Police arrived.
a few days later four of the other soldiers were picked up at the home of a local bookstore clerk and psychic, Anna Foster. The sixth soldier, a woman, was found a few days later camping on a beach. Nobody paid attention to her since Gulf Breeze was awash in strange characters, atracted by latest UFO “flap”.
All six were taken to Fort Benning, Georgia, and the US Army sent out a press release saying that the six soldiers were members of a cult named The End of the World and had left their posts in the burning belief that they had been charged by an higher authority to kill the Antichrist (whose identity was never disclosed) and greet the flying saucers that would carry the heavenly hosts to Earth.
It was not explained how six AWOL soldiers could leave Germany, cross the Atlantic, buy a dilapidated Volkswagen van in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and drive unmolested to Florida while the Interpol, the German authorities, the US Customs, the FBI and pretty much everybody else was looking for them.
Three days later the six soldiers were taken Fort Knox, Kentucky, cleared of espionage charges and issued general discharges. It could have been a joke or even somebody trying to get his five minutes of fame but it has been suggested that the six soldiers stole crytical material from their post and perhaps even a vital encryption key, turning them over to an accomplice in case things got wrong. If this was the plan, it worked: the Gulf Breeze Six went on to become major stars in both the UFO and Fundamentalist circuit. Nobody ever pressed charges against them.
One of the most accepted theories is that these soldiers had proof that NATO knew that Iraq was about to invade Kuwait and allowed the invasion to happen for political reasons. There are other, very elaborate theories hinting at the “usual” psychological warfare project gone wrong. Others simply say that they went back home to fulfill their mission of killing the Antichrist and got lucky.
Whatever the truth this is one of those case that just make you wonder if all those talks about conspiracies are just tall tales.

Complete list of predictions from the Gulf Breeze 6
#These are the predictions pulled from Ouija Board sessions in Germany around 1990 by the infamous Gulf Breeze 6.

They were published in Vance Davis’ book Unbroken Promises in 1995.

1 The Gulf Breeze 6
2 The List
3 Analysis
4 References
The Gulf Breeze 6
The Gulf Breeze 6 was a group of military personnel who went AWOL in 1990 and travelled from Germany to Gulf Breeze USA in order the kill the Antichrist.

They claim that this information was gained from Lord Voldermort Satan himself through the use of a Ouija (WEE-JEE or WEE-JAA) board.

The List
1. Russian earthquake will kill over 1000.

2. Earthquake will occur in Iran. Over 300,000 will be injured and killed.

3. Major UFO conference is cancelled in Germany.

4. A war in the Middle East shall be a warning of Armageddon. It will involve the U.S., Iraq and Israel. If Israel stays out, then the war will be short with 45 days of fighting. If not, then nuclear exchange could occur.

5. Shuttle will not be launched if a fuel leak is caught in time. If not, then the Challenger disaster will be repeated.

6. Government official will lose AWOL soldiers in Atlanta.

7. Unification of Germany.

8. Riots in Los Angeles will be a warning for future riots nationwide.

9. European economic community will be in power by 1992.

10. All borders dropped in Europe.

11. Major weather and Earth changes will cause mass property destruction with some loss of life. Rain in areas for days, super tornadoes, super hurricanes, severe drought in traditionally wet areas, weather reversals, severe winters, sever summers with record highs and lows. This will last for 30 years.

12. The major insurance companies will begin their collapse in the next 3 years.

13. Youngest President since Kennedy to be elected in 1992.

14. An explosion in New York City will be a warning of further activity within the United States. The explosion will be reported as a gas leak or terrorist bombing. The “Wolf Head” is their symbol.

15. Explosion in space.

16. Volcanic eruptions increase.

17. An earthquake in Los Angeles will register around 8.3 and will cause major property damage, but very little death.

18. An earthquake will follow in Seattle of 5.4 or higher.

19. Mt. Rainier will erupt and destroy large portions of the Seattle area between 1993 - 1995.

20. Gun laws are passed.

21. Marking will begin in the government and military.

22. Homeless considered outlaws, as are other social undesirables, to be rounded up and incarcerated.

23. Psychic phenomenon experienced on the flight to Atlanta.

24. People kept under watch by Social Security numbers.

25. “Beast” is one year from full operation unveiled as the largest computer network system. Marking involved.

26. Soldiers will have to go “underground” by August 5, 1990.

27. Six will go underground from army.

28. U.S. stock market will crash. It will rise to over 4000 before the event.

29. Riots in major cities will be caused by monetary, food and racial tensions.

30. Martial law declared in all major cities like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Pittsburgh, etc…

31. Government closes borders with Canada and Mexico. U.S. air space restricted. 1 airliner shot down, 302 people lost.

32. Constitution suspended for 90 days.

33. Military troops control Chicago.

34. Man-made and natural disasters will destroy New York.

35. Terrorist activity in Israel. 150 killed, 250 injured, and 20 soldiers killed. Israel declares war on the PLO.

36. Next day more death. One soldier killed by boy throwing a stone. Soldier’s hit between the eyes. Boy is killed.

37. King Hussein declares war on Israel.

38. Social unrest in the U.S. soldiers shipped back home.

39. Two members of Congress disappear along with other prominent personnel.

40. Last Pope elected by 1996.

41. A false rapture will take place.

42. U.S. government admits knowledge of other lifeforms.

43. Biblical treasures will be found starting in 1994.

44. Magnetic poles of the Earth switch.

45. A house will be destroyed by government forces in Massachusetts killing 140 people.

46. 20 major universities are shut down.

47. 50 of the world’s major scientists will disappear. They will be in weapons systems and defense, literature, genetics, astronomy and archeology.

48. An explosion form a terrorist bomb will destroy a supermarket injuring 50 people.

49. The “Peacemaker” named to the new world commission and later voted President of the New World Order.

50. An earthquake on the west coast of the U.S. will be stronger than the Richter Scale can measure. Would be 14.6 if it could be measured.

51. West coast earthquake will trigger other seismic events in New York and Japan.

52. Government will introduce the first alien to the public during a difficult time and a time of need. Be careful who you shake hands with!

53. A great upheaval in Florida will raise ancient cities.

54. Man finds his birthplace in the solar system.

55. A man will declare himself to be Messiah in 1998.

56. The man to be known as the “Peacemaker” will come from Europe.

57. Quantum leaps in spiritual movement will be seen by 2032.

58. New spiritual leaders will appear: some to mislead, others of truth.

59. The seven thunders of the Bible will be revealed.

60. The New World Order will be the new religion.

61. The 1000 year reign of peace will begin in the middle of the 21st Century.

62. The U.S. will be the least destroyed and least controlled by what will occur.

63. The Vatican will release historical records never before seen.

64. Special people will emerge around the world to teach truth by 2000.

65. A test on a UFO will result in the destruction of a space shuttle.

66. Warning earthquake in and throughout Japan of 8 or higher will occur before 1996.

67. Major earthquake near Tokyo of 10.0 or higher following the big California quake.

68. Increase of violent crime will begin in 1994 in Japan.

69. The “Peacemaker” signs pact with the Asian market, including Japan.

70. The new Japanese Emperor and his wife will have two sons and one daughter.

71. Japan and China will sign a joint agreement for the administration of Hong Kong.

72. Japanese stock market will crash by 1996 due to world economic failure.

73. Japan will experience a resurgence of respect for the old ways to awaken and strengthen modern Japanese culture and spirit.

74. The E.C. and Japan will sign a joint protection pact for the Kuril Islands.

75. Japan will be in the forefront of spiritual growth in Asia and will become an oasis of spiritual activity.

76. German mark will become the mainstay of the E.C. currency in the troubled period ahead.

77. Australia will suffer severe weather changes and ocean tides that wreck the coasts.

78. The Aborigines will save Australia before departing this plane of existence. Australia will then become a mecca of sorts for the soul.

79. South America will become a torn continent for 8 years, with wars and military control. It will be completely shut off from the rest of the world during that period.

80. The South Pole will become as warm as it was a million years ago and cause the world’s oceans to rise 35 feet.

81. A meteorite will hit the Pacific Ocean by 2005, causing significant damage and flooding.

82. A comet will be broken up in the Earth’s atmosphere and do minor damage, although effects will be felt in other ways, such as electromagnetic anomalies.

83. Greece and Italy will be significantly altered by changes in the ocean’s depth. Old, sunken cities will be brought up by the same event.

84. The state of Ohio in the United States will become part of the Great Lakes in 120 years.

85. San Francisco will survive relatively untouched through almost all of the events that are to befall it.

Some possible meanings behind the predictions.

05/27/1995 Russian earthquake, 1989 deaths.
06/20/1990 Iran earthquake. Kills an estimated 105,000 people.
??? Possibly refers to German flight attendant union (Unabhängige Flugbegleiter Organisation UFO)
Persian Gulf War 42 days of fighting.
NASA fixes fuel leak on Discovery.
??? Referring to Gulf Breeze 6?
10/03/90 German reunification.
1992 - LA riots in response to Rodney King verdict.
11/01/93 European Union officially formed.
Same as above, Formation of European Union.
Global warming.
Has not happened yet, but with severe weather events and COVID-19, it is certainly possible.
01/20/93 Bill Clinton sworn in as President.
02/26/93 First World Trade Center bombing
Could be any number of things.
Currently no evidence of this.
01/171994 Northridge earthquake. Only registered 6.7. Major damage with 57 deaths. Later, 10/16/1999 Hector Mine quake. Only registered 7.1 with no deaths.
05/12/1996 Seattle earthquake 5.3. or 07/09/1999 Satsop earthquake 5.8
Has not happened yet.
Ongoing. Indicates a growing gun problem if legislation is necessary.
Could be a number of things. Possibly mandatory covid-19 vaccinations
Homeless can also be called migrants, even immigrants, and/or refugees. Trump administration in the US, and in other countries abroad, there is growing crackdown on immigrants and refugees.
Gulf Breeze Six
1993 CERN places its World Wide Web technology in the public domain. NCSA releases first browser to the public.
Gulf Breeze Six ??
Gulf Breeze SIx
Most likely referring to the 2008/2009 crash.
2020 riots/protests.
Trump administration sends or plans to send federal law enforcement to major US cities.
COVID crisis has US close borders. Air travel restricted. Mention of an airliner shot down may refer to Malaysia Flight 17 being shot down on 07/17/2014. 298 lost.
May refer to developing COVID crisis.
May refer to developing civil unrest and the Trump administration.
Could be anything
Possible reference to Faris Odeh
#72 Japan's "Bubble Economy" burst in 1992

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