Snapchat- The Ghost That Haunts Zuckerberg

10 months ago

Welcome to the INSANE story of Snapchat - the ghost that haunts Mark Zuckerberg. This Snapchat documentary covers the story of Snapchat from being a random idea two college kids came up with, to becoming a multi-billion dollar company that is working on some incredibly exciting futuristic ideas. Snapchat has become a lot more than just sending disappearing photos, and is now innovating in areas like augmented reality. This mini-movie about Snapchat's history will cover all the details you want to know, ranging from Snapchat's acquisition offers from tech giants like Facebook, to Evan Spiegel's PR disaster that nearly got him fired. Enjoy!

It had been a bad week for Evan Spiegel. His business idea called Future Freshman had failed, and his girlfriend of two years had just broke up with him. But then suddenly his friend Reggie burst into his room with an idea: A way of sending photos that disappear. Evan was immediately excited, and said he thought it was a million dollar idea. He was wrong. It was a multi-billion dollar idea...

So, Evan and Reggie were eager to start this photo-sharing app together, and agreed to split everything 50/50. But then they realised neither of them could code well enough to build the app, so they began trying to find someone to work with. Several people turned them down, either because they were too busy or just didn’t get the point of the app. But eventually Evan managed to convince a friend of his called Bobby to help them, and he put in long days and nights of coding to help build a working prototype, which they originally named Picaboo.

However, they'd later have to change the name Picaboo to Snapchat after realising they'd taken another companies name... but that would only be the start of the company's legal trouble, as very soon their own co-founder would be suing the company, after Evan Spiegel kicked him out. Watch this video to get the rest of the Snapchat Story, brought to you by MagnatesMedia! If you've ever wondered how Snapchat started, how Snapchat grew so quickly, or why Snapchat turned down 3 billion dollars, then this is the Snapchat documentary for you.

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