This Baby Is Very Disappointed With Daddy's New Haircut

8 years ago

We’ve said it once and we’ll say it again - a bad haircut is like a bad art frame. The art may be spectacular, but the bad frame would just dim it down. Looking at this footage, we can clearly see that this girl isn’t very impressed with the art, to put it mildly.

If there is one thing that we absolutely love about kids it’s that they have no filter in the things that they say. If they love something, they’ll tell you. If they hate something, they will scream about it at the top of their lungs. It is rather unfortunate for this dad because he was on the receiving end of that wrath this time.

It seems that this baby girl just can’t accept the fact that her daddy has cut his locks off. He should have clearly asked her first because she doesn’t agree with it. As far as she’s concerned, he is no longer her favorite daddy. He’ll have to work very hard and grow that hair back and then maybe, but just maybe, she’ll find it in her heart to forgive him.

This kind of situation happened because the little baby girl has never seen her dad with short hair, but maybe after a few times she’ll grow used to it. In the meanwhile, her dad will try time and time again to find a way to give her the bad news in an easier way. Poor baby!

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