Ukraine advances, ZPNN and Free Speech

11 months ago

Ukraine War - Battle Update ZNPP Zaporizhzhia
Zap Plant - satellite images appear to contradict Zelenskyy’s claims of Russians mining the rooftops of the reactors. No event occurred yesterday, so hopefully Zelensky has been talked out of any chicanery involving the Zap power plant.

Rybar reporting: Russian advance: UKR needing to move troops from Kremenia in South to support or North from K’yupiansk. Russian reports that UKR forces are not strong there and will need reinforcement to stop the Russian advance.

Interesting as we have not seen Russian advance in the area for a long time. Are we seeing a shift as Russia defects weakness in the Ukrainian ability to supply reserves?

Reports of heavy missile strikes - targeting grouping of soldiers/military - only 60kms (45miles) from Polsi border - this must make the Polish nervous each time Russia strikes as far West as Lvov

Heavy Ukraine Artillery - overwhelming Russian Artillery in a duel - which allowed Ukraine to advance. Military Summary Channel - Russians still hold control but the activity buildup discussed yesterday near Avdeevka may have been applied in Lishchiivka instead.

RADAR: AMerican AN/MPQ-64 Sentinel Radar: Supports short range AD like NASAMS and Avenger SAMs $67M

Just north east of Donetsk - Ammo dump destroyed by Ukrainians in Donetsk

Su-25 - reports of another Su-25 shot down this week - possibly involved in a supporting role for an Su-24 that was deploying a Storm Shadow missile strike.
The fourth report in as many days of Su-25’s being shot down. They are designed for close air support of ground forces, so susceptible to Russian short range AD.

Cyber Theater - Cyber attack - Statistics (somewhat unusual story)
The State Statistics Service of Ukraine announced that due to disruption of work caused by a cyberattack - they have suspended supply of statistics to authorities including the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. What data they provide was not made clear.

China Partnership
2 x Russian Navy Corvettes: Gromsky and Perfect dock at Shanghai Greeted with banner “Long live the Russia and China friendship”.
ANother example of growing relationship between Russia and China - extending to the military - and displaying to the US that Russian forces will be able to support China should the dispute over Taiwan escalate to the military level.

Council of Foreign Relations Report
U.S. Taiwan Relations in a new Era
- concedes that SUBMARINES critical but not enough and long maintenance delays puts US at risk if China choose to invade now
- US industrial complex not ready for conflict INTERESTINGLY they comment “Ukraine conflict has revealed this and also exacerbated the problem” showing that the US overestimated the likelihood of a quick success against Russia.
- if the US went to war with China their need for long range missiles would exceed what is in the Department of Defense reserves

Austrian Military
Colonel Marcus Reisner - AUstrian Armed Forces - stated in interview that Phase 1 of UKR offensive has failed. Due to employing NATO tactics which fail against Russian artillery/Air Superiority. He believes change in tactics will result in limited success along the front.

Egypt - BRICS Development Bank
- not a BRICS member- but asked to join the banking development entity of BRICS - indicating closer ties to BRICS, Russia and China.

Things not looking good for Ukraine/West
One thing that gnaws at the back of my mind - what if the people in control - the elite neo-cons of the west - what if they don’t really care about the West either - and are happy to just wash more money through Ukraine to their cronies? Then all logical calls to end the war would fall on deaf ears?

One ray of light…… maybe….

Jordan Peterson
Posted on twitter that his interview with Helen Joyce titled TRANS when ideology meets reality - has been permanently struck from YouTube servers. Peterson rightly questions why YouTube feel they need to censor this rather than letting you as a thinking human make that choice for yourself.

American Free Speech
State of Missouri vs Biden: Judge rules for a HALT to what the court called a “massive attack on free speech” - Judge noted “looks like 1984” “situation is dystopian” and “Feds have assumed role of the Orwellian Ministry of Truth”. This relates to feds working with Social Media companies to influence and censor content unfavourable to the party narrative.

Note: Twitter rate limiting over last week - reportedly due to this - an attempt to stop Federal agencies scaping ALL tweets and providing that data to AI to identify “trends” “terms” and “groups” for target censorship.

And as one of my commenters suggested last week, that just by posting content commenting on the Ukraine conflict that I am basically saying “come on Youtube - ban me” well let's see what happens.

The Deep404 - analysis of global events. Sister channel to @the3ps TheThirdPartyShow. #deep404

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