Temporary Podcast Studios at Conferences, etc.

10 months ago

I describe the two types of “studio” setups for recording at conferences, etc. — enclosures and “open air” setups. In both, participants should keep their mouths close to their microphones. And proper plosive protection should be used.

If you want to capture some ambient sound of the crowd, you can set up an extra microphone to capture that and then in post-production mix it in to taste.

My post on this subject — https://podcastengineeringschool.com/temporary-podcast-studios-at-events/


*Podcast production tips email list signup: http://eepurl.com/geOdAD

*CAREER Option: Learn how to produce podcasts professionally from home and earn a great living doing it! — https://podcastengineeringschool.com/product/pes-online-program/

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