Three-Ingredient Shortbread Cookies

10 months ago

1, 2, 3 Ingredients and you have a great Recipe for Homemade Shortbread Cookies.

3 Ingredients Shortbread Cookies
1/2 cup Butter, softened
1/4 cup Powdered Sugar, sifted
1 cup Flour, sifted

Preheat Oven 350° F
Line Cookie Sheet with Parchment Paper

Cream Butter until fluffy add Powdered Sugar mix well.
Integrate Flour until dough comes together.
Scrape down sides of the bowl, Dough is soft.
Place a sheet of Plastic Wrap on Counter.
Roll Dough into a log (approx. 7" long) wrap in Plastic Film and refrigerate for 45 Minutes.
Unwrap log, mark 1/2" slices & cut. (1/4" if you like them thinner)
Place half of slices on Cookie Sheet and bake 15-16 Minutes (less time if Cookies are thinner) until light golden on bottom.
Rest Cookies on Cookie Sheet for 5 Minutes then cool completely on Wire Rack.

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