Article Video - The BAR Code and the Beast - Sunday, July 9, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - The BAR Code and the Beast - Sunday, July 9, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

We have grown up with Bar Codes attached to everything. Even fruits and vegetables have tiny little stick-on labels and on those stick-on labels we see what? Bar Codes.

We assume that they are called Bar Codes because they appear to be a series of lines, or in the common parlance, bars, that create an optical code that computers recognize as a particular thing --- Land O Lakes Butter, Old Hickory Smoked Turkey, Pall Mall Cigarettes.... and so on and on.

Whatever you buy -- at least in the world of commerce --- has a Bar Code which helps businesses automate sales transactions and track inventories, which is why so many businesses use Bar Codes. It also helps BATF track sales of controlled substances.

And when you use a credit or debit card to make purchases, this system tracks that purchase straight back to you, which means that Bar Codes combined with Bank Cards are part of a covert surveillance system that tracks all your buying choices and activities.

This is not surveillance on a generalized basis. This is specific surveillance of you and what brands you choose and what you spend money on individually.

Don't you consider that an invasion of privacy?

By tracking your purchases Big Brother can refine their marketing and pitch their products to you more effectively. By tracking your purchases Big Brother can access your preferences in entertainment, booze, underwear, anything at all. And they can use this information to infer things about you. Did you buy a pregnancy test? An eczema cream?

The Bar Codes are issued by a corporation that is directly affiliated with another corporation that is owned and operated by the British Crown, so now we see another meaning of "Bar Code".

It's not just a friendly, helpful convenience greasing the wheels of commerce. It's an insidious means for the Bar Association Handlers to keep track and monitor absolutely everything you spend money on.

So how does this all lead into "the Mark of the Beast" --- well, BEAST is an abbreviation for a Belgian-based computer system that attempts to define and catalogue and track every possible resource on Earth, for the purpose of monitoring and controlling everything.

Under the BEAST system, the old credit card system is replaced by a permanent RFID chip. The chip would be implanted at birth and used to track an individual throughout their life -- just like a cow is currently tracked and traded --- and would also be the means by which that individual could buy and sell: they simply wave their hand over a scanner and the sale is either approved or disapproved.

And you would be controlled and told, yes, you are authorized to buy 25 feet of half inch rope, or no, you are not authorized to buy this item.

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