Rollo: We Do Not Pity the Fighters, But Protect Them | AI TRANSLATED & DUBBED

10 months ago


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"We had to drive on Russian equipment and pretend to be the armed forces of the Russian Federation for as long as we could," recalls the commander of the 1st assault battalion of the Third Separate Assault Brigade, recalling the most daring combat operation in the attempt to unblock Mariupol.

For your attention, the second video from the series of our interviews with the commanders of units of the 3rd OShBr. Today we are talking with my friend Rollo.

Historian by education. Before the war, he thought about joining the French Foreign Legion, because he dreamed of taking part in real combat operations. The Russian-Ukrainian war caught him at the stage of studying at the university, from where he volunteered for the front in June 2014.

"We were in the 3rd year of university, but we could not miss such significant events. We had a huge fear that we would not get into the war. It is rare in life to be touched by something like this. We did not want the nation, the country to be exposed as " "tolerable," and at the beginning of 2014, it was like that," he says.

Rollo spoke about two things he would like to dedicate his life to, what a commander should be and why volunteers should join the ranks of the 3rd OShBr.

"There are experienced commanders here, starting from the ranks of "detachment commander", platoon, company, battalion and above. The attitude towards people is appropriate. People are not pitied here, but protected," he said.

Rollo emphasized: the advantage of the 3rd OShBr is that the commanders listen to the initiatives of the junior command staff, valuing each soldier.

"They know more, understand better and see how. They come and say: here and here - we can't, here - it doesn't correspond to reality. I also go to the commander and convey the arguments. 50% of all plans that we develop and want implement, we cancel or postpone, because at this moment they are either impossible, or completely unrealistic, or will lead to great losses. We should not pity people, but protect them, because we will not find people like us anywhere." - states the commander of the assault battalion.

Commenting on the information policy of the state, the commander of the 1st assault battalion believes that Ukrainians should not relax too much listening to optimistic propaganda, but be ready for a long and difficult struggle for their independence. The war, he believes, is a test for everyone and for the country as a whole.

"Only war can test, show who you are. Similarly, the state in such difficult periods demonstrates what it is like, whether it can pass these tests," says Rollo.

In this video, the commander of the 1st assault battalion talked about religion and faith, what is the most difficult thing for a soldier on the battlefield, why he does not want to be involved in politics, and who he sees himself as after the war.

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⏩ About the Wagner rebellion, the mining of the path of retreat and disappointment by Putin, - an interview with prisoners
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⏩ Battle with GoPro: how the Third Assault Division defeated the 72nd Brigade of the Russian Federation near Bakhmut
⏩ Face to face with the enemy: trench battles of the 3rd OSHBr for the "road of life" to Bakhmut
⏩ The offensive of the Third Assault Brigade or how the 72nd Brigade of the Russian Federation "fled" from Bakhmut | TEASER


00:00 start
00:45 martial law
01:40 Rollo's friend and Napoleon's end?
03:57 "We had a great time NOT getting into the war"
06:40 Rollo's friend growing up
08:30 War testing the state and man
10:40 Films influencing Rollo's worldview?
11:20 Someone born with a propensity for war
12:00 or condemns those who support the economic front
14:30 "Berserk" in life is not always berserk in war, more often the opposite
15:30 how should society treat those who fought after the victory and those who "left"?
18:00 Will you join politics after the war? What kind of political system should there be in Ukraine?
21:00 How does the military help politicians to follow the right course?
22:30 The example of Israel and if Ukraine wins, how will everything end?
24:45 How should Ukrainian information policy go?
28:01 Why should you join the 3rd OSHBr?
31:40 "Our advantage is the initiative of the junior team"
33:06 How do you use your free time from the war?
34:00 Does God exist?
36:55 About the most daring operation since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, which you led
38:14 What is the hardest thing on the battlefield at each stage?
39:30 What should a battalion commander be like?
42:40 Who do you see yourself as after the war?
43:40 What else is important to you that we haven't talked about?

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Source: @ab3army
Date: 2023-07-12
Dubbing: @AlmightyAI

This is a verbatim translation/copy of the original video and metadata.

Always support the original author trough the links provided by them at their Source profile and/or their pinned original video comments! Do not trust third party information.

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