Check Out These Little Known Facts About The Last Supper

8 years ago

We bet you have never heard the story about the Da Vinci Christ model.

When Leonardo Da Vinci was painting the Last Supper it took several years to complete. The life model for the painting of the figure of Jesus was chosen first. Hundreds of men were carefully viewed in an attempt to find a face and a personality expressing innocence and beauty. Finally, after weeks of searching a young man nineteen years of age was selected as a model for Christ.

For six months Da Vinci was working tediously on the leading character portrait. During the next six years Da Vinci continued his work, finishing all the faces except for Judas’. For weeks, Da Vinci searched for a man with a hard callous face marked by scars of deceit, hypocrisy and crime.

After many discouraging experiences in searching for a person required to represent Judas, word came to Da Vinci that a man whose appearance fully met his requirements has been found at a dungeon in Rome, sentenced to die for a life of crime and murder. Da Vinci made the trip to Rome at once and this man was brought out and lead out into the light of the sun.

There Da Vinci saw a man’s face showing the character of viciousness and complete ruin. At last, the famous painter said: ‘I have found the face of Judas.’

The man, seeing Da Vinci cried out: ‘Oh, Da Vinci, look at me, do you not know who I am? Have I fallen so low? Look at me again for I am the same man you painted just seven years ago as the figure of Christ.’

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