This Sweet Monkey Does Her Best To Help With The Dishes

8 years ago

Doing daily chores, like washing the dishes, is rarely something people like doing. It is a task many of us would gladly skip, or leave on to someone else to complete, especially when the pots, pans, and plates pile up in the sink.

But Cassie the Capuchin monkey is not like us! It seems that Cassie is truly enjoying this chore and found a way to make washing the dishes a fun and enjoyable activity! Ok, ok, perhaps Cassie is not literally washing the dishes, but she is definitely having lots of fun playing with her towel and all the dishes, cups and cutlery soaked in the sink. It seems her owner is amazed and entertained by her play and adds more things in the bubbly water. And while Cassie doesn’t mind getting ‘extra work’, she starts to wash the towel even more vigorously than before, turning over the big spoon and box that float around.

Since she puts so much effort into it, her owner continues to enjoy her little game, he jokingly says: “Who needs a dishwasher, I got it right here!”. Stating she works all day and even asks her if she already took her lunch break, her owner than asks her to stop playing, cos apparently the need to travel someplace and wants her to be fresh and rested for the road.

Who would have thought that washing dishes can be such an entertaining activity? Necessary, yes, but to make it fun, I guess we all need to read a page from Cassie's book!

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