Adorable Wallaby Enjoys Breakfast Cuddle With Human Friend

8 years ago

When it comes to keeping an animal as a domestic companion, few stray away from the standards of dog and cat. When you think about it, it is pretty simple really. They are very easy to maintain. Sure, there are people that like rats, lizards, even ant as pets and they do a fairly good job at maintaining them as well. But there are folks out there that really like a challenge. So they go after the exotic animals that the governments of the world allow to be kept as pets.

This family has one such exotic pet - a wallaby. It is a small marsupial native to Australia and New Guinea, legal to keep as a pet in the former. The “mini kangaroos”, as they are lovingly called, are extremely common in Australia and are also legal to own in the States as well. They require a lot of outdoor space to live and roam around, but what they really need is love and care. And someone to share breakfast with.

“Max and our Wallaby Rango love spending a typical morning sharing their breakfast together before they both start their day. Rango was orphaned as a tiny joey who came to live with us at our wildlife refuge where he became a big part of the family. He loves to be in the limelight and always on the hunt to find new things to explore. And when its time to wind down, he loves to cuddle up to the cats or hop into his pouch for some much needed rest to start his antics all over again,” says the owner of this incredible video.

The bond and gentle love between these two is spectacular. Where can we get one?

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