Ten Things That Happen When A Human Dies

7 years ago

We might not all agree about what happens in the afterlife, but we can be certain about the science behind death. Watch the clip to find out the 10 Things That Will Happen After We Die.

Apparently, you get eaten by enzymes since within three days of death enzymes used for digestion begin to eat you. Stomach bacteria eats cells ruptured by increased acidity levels caused by CO2 build-up. What happens when death is coming is truly something!

Another creepy thing is that skin cells live on for several days after days. Brain cells die after just three minutes of oxygen starvation while muscle cells survive for several hours. When the heart stops pumping gravity pulls red blood cells to the body’s lowest part. Congealed blood causes purple patches which coroners use to ascertain time of death.

Some bodies will develop a soap-like wax if in contact with cold soil or water. Adipocere is natural preservative formed as bacteria breaks down tissue. The body turns green after death as bacteria in bowel walls moves into the skin. It takes three to four days for hemoglobin caused by decomposition to cause the green tinge.

Organs with the greatest blood supply liquify. Mix with blood and seep from bodily orifices. As the fluid builds up pressure breaks down the abdominal wall flooding the body. Bodies decompose twice as fast in water than on land and eight times quicker than a buried body. Skin on bodies left in water will begin to ‘deglove’ falling from the body in thick sheets.

Bacteria in the body creates a foul-smelling gas that causes bloating. The abdomen, scrotum, breasts and tongue swell up while eyes bulge out. A build-up of gases can expel a fetus from the decomposing body of a deceased pregnant woman causing the body to swell. The pressure pushes the womb and baby from the body.

Muscle contraction caused by rigor mortis around the scrotum can lead to an erection, commonly seen after hanging as the noose places pressure on the cerebellum.

What did you think of these weird things that happen to the human body after death? Did they make you reconsider to reconsider your life decisions or realize that you have a better way to live your life? Think twice and make wise choices. We only have one body and we need to take good care of it if we want to lead a long, healthy life!

Talking about death, you should also check out this video that discusses the causes of death that are most common around the world. Did you know that these are the most common causes of death in men? Fortunately these kind of videos make us reconsider our life decisions and improve our health condition!

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