10 months ago

The Bull-Shit Song of the Sandy Hoax

The helicopter filmed the SWAT cops
Storming into Sandy Hook
The TV said you’re seeing LIVE feed
But if you took a second look

It was all just a bunch of bullshit
All just a bunch of crap - active
Shooter-drill-footage - from prior news coverage
At a different school than that

It was all just a bunch of bull-crap
No point in belaboring it
Call me what you wanna but no matter what you call me
I’m calling bull-shit on this

Gene Rosen lives by Sandy Hook
Him you will not forget
Poor little guy cried but no matter how he tried
A tear he could not shed

But he sure could spread some bull-shit
About some made up kids
The long gun and the short gun and
The teacher that was dead

But it was all just a bunch of bull-shit
Bad acting from a script
No evacuation photos
No death certificates

It’s all just a bunch of bull-crap
All just a bunch of shit
Something stinks to high heaven in
Newtown, Connecticut

Sally Cox was the school nurse
At the Elementary
No one talked more shit to reporters than her
Except for weepy Gene

And it was all just a bunch of crap about’
Four hours in a closet
Said she looked into the shooters eye
Then later on she changed it

Cuz her story was just bull-shit
And lying is hard work
When she talked to George Stephanopoulos
She looked nervous as a whore in church

It’s all just a bunch of bull-crap
All just a bunch of shit
Something stinks to high heaven in
Newtown, Connecticut

Dawn Hochsprung was the principal
There at Sandy Hook
But Adam Lanza the invisible man (well they)
Say her life he took

Then the Newtown Bee it published things
Hachsprung to them said
In the famous interview
With the principal that was dead

It was all just a bunch of bull-crap
No point in belaboring it
You can’t un-ring a bell and I’m calling
Bull shit on this

It’s all just a bunch of bull-crap
All just a bunch of shit
Something stinks to high heaven in
Newtown, Connecticut

Robbie Parker you might know him
As Emily Parker’s dad
Starring in the laugh Olympics
Yeah - something really tickled his ass

He was chuckling like Mumbly
When the camera panned n’ got em’
There was the Scooby Doobies and the Yogi Yahoos
He was with the Really Rottens

It was all just a bunch of bull-shit
About the Emily Parker fund
Roll out the barrels Robbie
Is having a barrel of fun

It’s all just a bunch of bull-crap
All just a bunch of shit
Something stinks to high heaven in
Newtown, Connecticut

A reporter asked a question of
That weird Lt. Vance
He got the deer in the headlight look
Then I think he pissed his pants

A reporter asked a question of
That fat Wayne Carver guy (who)
Was performing comedy
About children that had died

He looked like Herman Goerring
And all the state police
Were SS for Paul Vance
Adolf Hitler wannabe

It’s all just a bunch of bull-crap
All just a bunch of shit
Something stinks to high heaven in
Newtown, Connecticut

Anderson Cooper loves his green screen
He gets off on that
Thinks he’s a wizard doing magic slaying dragons
With little spells that he casts

But everything he says is bullshit
He’s disgusting and obscene
Faking oral copulation
Live on national TV

Cooper’s crap is bull-shit
So take this good advice
If you get your news from CNN
Verify, verify, verify

It’s all just a bunch of bull-crap
All just a bunch of shit
Something stinks to high heaven in
Newtown, Connecticut

The helicopter filmed the SWAT cops
Storming into Sandy Hook
The TV said you’re seeing LIVE feed
But if you took a second look

It’s all just a bunch of bullshit
It’s all just a bunch of crap
Active-shooter-drill-footage - from prior news coverage
At a different school than that

It was all just a bunch of bull-crap
No point in belaboring it
Call me what you wanna but no matter what you call me
I’m calling bull-shit on this

© 2013 Holmseth

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