Gweagal Country - talks about the LORE, making things right from the start. 6th July 2023

10 months ago

Botany Bay (Gweagal Country) Thursday 6th July 2023 🔥🦅
Uncle Ghillar Michael Anderson
Reverend Lindsay McDowell (from 11:40)
Mebbingarri Cindy Roberts (from 53:00)

Botany Bay – Gweagal Counrty 6th July 2023
Ghillar Uncle Michael Anderson
Acquiescence is a word he wants the First Nations people to learn.
‘The voice’ does not exactly tke away sovereignty, but it will be seen by the international community, the UN etc. that the First Nations agreed to be governed by their colonisers. And so it puts an bnd to sovereign exercise (s?)...
Declarations of Independence have been done, sent to the Queen, we have done it (Ghillar’s people I guess), the Witt people (spelling?), Balangarra – Eastern Kimberly, and Yidinji in Cairns. This is Real. It is international legal right to free yourself from subjugation by colonisers or tyranny.
That has been proven in the international court of justice advisory decision to the UN council on the right of Kosovo Armenian to free themselves from subjugation by Yugoslavia.
International opinion is that people have a right to free themselves from subjugation and tyranny and occupation.
On the other side of the coin, in exercising that sovereign right, just after Murrumu did his declaration of Independence, sovereignty, announced it to the world in cairns, soon after there was the G20 summit in Cairns, surprisingly Russia- Putin - wanted his people in Cairns.
When Tony Abbott was PM, Putin, Russia put a submarine, 2 frigates and a plane near Cairns. There was not much media coverage. Abbott tried to get them to leave ‘Australian’ waters Putin said; ‘I’m in Yidinji waters.’ And there was nothing that the ‘government’ could do.
The Brisbane line was drawn in WWII from Brisbane to Port Hedland. This line is known internationally and here. All land to the north of this line was ceded to General McCarthy, and American military general, to govern and protect. This was because England refused to let Australia get involved in the fight against the Japanese. Australia was governed by England at that time, and it still is.
Question is whether the cession to America through McCarthy has ever been rescinded.
Right now there are 37,000 American military troops in Darwin (just south of Darwin) and American military bases up around Cairns.
They are preparing a massive law (war?) protection program just in case Australia and China go to war over Taiwan with America.
The Brisbane line incorporates a place called Teatree (spelling?). so that whole area is under threat north of Alice Springs. Between Teatree and Yuendumu Papanya (spelling?) is a massive military complex called the over- the horizon radar system = Australia’s contribution to the American’s ability to look at all of Southeast Asia.
Without that America would not be able to operate their drones over Afghanistan, Iran, anywhere in Europe.
So if we know that, the intelligence in other places know it as well. So the first place they will attack is there, they would bomb it and the fallout would be black-fellas. No white fellas there. And when you travel up there where they are starting to do things... (did I miss something?)

Uncle Reverend Lesley McDowell (came up from Canberra).
Records of the first land grab/grant of Governor Arthur Philips to an English settler.
It was 30 acres, at what is now called Parramatta.
His brief was to prove that he could grow food to sustain the colony. English tucker.
What we can’t find are the records that reveal how Governor Phillip legally acquired that 30 acres.
It doesn’t exist.
Stolen land.
1768 August, 20 months before Cook and the Endeavour weighed anchor at Botany Bay.
When the Endeavour was berthed at Plymouth in southern England preparing to set sail in August 1768. The British authorities came to Cook with instructions.
There were 2 British authorities of the 4 British authorities that all had their fingers in the pie.
One was the British Admiralty. The other was the British Royal society.
On 30th July 1768 the British Admiralty came to Cook with instructions and soon after so did the British Admiralty.
Paraphrasing their instructions:
When you visit the people in other lands and you are inclined to become aggressive, don’t do it.
Just don’t do it.
The British Admiralty handed Cook an envelope, it contained writings: ‘You are to observe the inhabitants, if there be any, and endeavour, by all proper means, to cultivate a friendship and an alliance, inviting them to trade and showing them every kind of civility and regard.
You are also, with the consent of the inhabitants, to take possession of country.’
*with the consent of the inhabitants*
A few days later, Lord Moreton, James Douglas was his name, the president of the Brtish Royal Society, also came to Cook with a sealed envelope. This was dated 10th August 1768. It said:
‘Have it in view, that shedding the blood of those people is a crime of the highest nature. They are human creatures made by the same almighty God, equally under his care with the most polished European. Perhaps, being less offensive, even more entitled to his care. They are the natural, and in the strictest sense of the word, the legal possessors of the regions they inhabit.
No European nation has a right to occupy any part of their country or settle among them without their voluntary consent.’
29th April 1770 – 20months after those words were written, the Endeavour arrived at Botany Bay and dropped anchor.
The record says; ‘We parleyed with them for about a quarter of an hour.’
‘They remained resolute against our landing, and so a musket was fired.’
‘And then another musket loaded wit small shot was fired at the elders. And then another was immediately fired at him.’
What happened to the respect and civility?
After 15 minutes and armed attack was launched against the Gweagal people on country.
And the crew was still in the boat when it started, about 30 or 40 crew coming at the shore in rowboats.
Two warriors opposed the landing.
Why wouldn’t they?
Up on the rise was their village with women and children. 30 or 40 of the strangest looking creatures you ever did see were coming straight at them.
When you read that 1 page record it reveals that in a single afternoon – the very first moment of interaction between our 2 people – not less than 4 criminal offences were unleashed against the Gweagal people.
1. The launching of the armed attack.
4. They recorded that they stole ALL the spears, the fishing spears; ‘all we could find’, the community’s food harvesting equipment.
These crimes, if in England, the entire crew would have been subject to British law, tried and convicted, probably the leaders executed. However those offences happening here; no accountability, unresolved crimes, AND on the 29th April every year that landing is commemorated.
The question hanging over us all is ‘why the difference?’
Australia is eventually going to have to answer the question. When a criminal offence attracts the most severe sentencing in one country. But in another country it is commemorated. Why the difference?

2. 22nd August 1770. Endeavour had reached Cape York, turned left and headed west to what is now called Possession Island. Cook’s journal reads; ‘I had in the name of His Majesty taken possession of several places along this coast and now I once more hoisted the English colours and in the name of Hs Majesty King George the 3rd, took possession of the whole Eastern coast, from an unnamed latitude to this place.’ – meaning where he was standing.
‘And I took possession of the whole east coast, together with all the bays, harbours, rivers, islands situated apon that said coast, and we saw apon all the adjacent lands and islands, a great number of smokes, a certain sign that they are all inhabited. We have daily seen smokes on every part of the coast we have lately been apon.’
Cook took possession, knowing he was surrounded by inhabitants, and where was the consent?

In other papers of the records Cook revealed that when he raised his hand at ‘Possession Island’, he raised it toward the south, and he said he took possession all the way to the 38th parallel; Melbourne.
He spoke a declaration over many sovereign. (note to self: A claim. A curse.)
Torres Strait to Melbourne.
Kurnai, Bandjalang, Gweagal, Wiradjuri, Gadigal, Yorta Yorta... (Wurunjeri...) Many sovereign nations were declared dispossessed in that moment.
‘Only with consent.’ Instructions were breached. The people of the sovereign nations did not even know it had happened.
And that declaration happened almost 20 years before the first fleet started colonization. 18 years.

(Uncle Reverend Lesley McDowell) is National Chairperson of ‘A National Act of Recognition’ since 1997. Truth telling.

Cook and Banks returned to the UK and reported to the authorities. Cook seems to have been seen as the Great Magnificent Explorer, best Maritime Navigator. But the questioning was mostly to Banks.
He said ‘there is almost nobody there. And these few that there are, it’s almost certain that they live around the coastal perimeter. It’s inconceivable that they could exist inland in any great measure.
The British authorities asked if they were to send convicts, set up a penal colony on the coastline, would the be under threat from the people that are there?
Banks seems to have said, in effect; ‘no problem at all. The people who are there will probably easily give up as much land as suits our purpose.’
Wrongdoing number 3.
For the Gweagal people, 18 years passed while frantic activity went on in England preparing the first fleet.
Eleven tall ships with 1400 people arrived on 20th January 1788. Governor Phillip went out again and went to Sydney Harbour. They started cutting timber for building log cabins that day.
1791 or 1792 the first 30 acres was granted to James Ruse. Many people know the name of the road called James Ruse drive.
1815 William Fox and crew completed a roadway over the mountains. (Invasion of the north coast began.)
These are deeply human issues. Spiritual issues.
A declaration of Recognition at Botany Bay has been performed by a group of people from all over the continent, and will be a repeated event.
My thoughts; peace, ‘black, white, brindle’, has to happen within each of us.

Mebbingarri Cindy Roberts
These treaties are legal and binding under tribal Lore and tribal jurisdiction.
Widjabul Tribal Nations Treaty

With love
We, the undersigned tribes, clans, families, of our respective tribal nations, hereby acknowledge, recognise, respect and support;
The national sovereignty and territorial integrity of Widjabul,
The rights of the Widjabul people to self-determination,
The rights of the Widjabul people to protect, defend and conserve the country, the culture and Loreful rights.
Agree to uphold diplomatic relations with Widjabul with respect and peace that the rights of the people dwelling on the Widjabul lands are protected under Widjabul tribal jurisdiction.

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