cute cat is saying something to me

10 months ago

Cats have different ways of communicating with other cats and with humans. Cats communicate vocally (meowing, purring, and hissing) and with their bodies and behavior.
For the most part, cats meow only to communicate with humans, not with other animals, according to anthrozoologist John Bradshaw in his book, Cat Sense: How the New Feline Science Can Make You a Better Friend to Your Pet (2013). Part of his evidence is that feral cats do not meow nearly as much as domesticated housecats.

Additionally, scientists believe that the meow is a manipulative behavior cats adopt to get what they want. Nicholas Dodman of Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine argues that cats can learn which noises are most effective at getting their owners to do what they want them to do (Robins 2014).

Cat kisses. The way to “smile” at your cat is to look your cat in the eye and slowly blink. They take this as a loving gesture, and will often do it back to you. (Robins, p. 470)

Talk back to them. Many cat owners have found that their cats are more talkative when they respond to their meows! (Robins, p. 466)

Speak to your cat in a soft and calm voice. Cats are sensitive to tone, and tend to not be very forgiving. (Robins, p. 469)

Avoid saying negative things along with their name. For example, if you say “No, Fluffy! Stop! Fluffy, get off the counter!” This will confuse them! It is best for your cat to associate their name with happy and calm words. (Robins, p. 469)

Know how to approach. The best way to approach a cat is to get on their level and extend your hand with a closed fist and one finger slightly extended. (Robins, p. 469)

Pay attention. The more you watch and listen to your cat, the easier it will be to understand what they are communicating. Notice patterns in their behavior – do they make one type of meow when they are hungry and another when they first see you? (Robins, p. 466)

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