Sexual Sins - the Sin Lists of Paul - Part 3

10 months ago

Sexual immorality is a top priority among the sin lists of Paul. Those who are not working to overcome all the items on these sin lists will not have a place in the kingdom of God. Pay attention to the prominence of sexual sins.

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The 7th commandment is the beginning of our Creator's instruction about sexual activity that is healthy... or avoiding what is unhealthy. IE what is good for us emotionally, psychologically, culturally, and spiritually. This is a law we would not become aware of by observing the natural world around us... it is not self evident... it is revealed / given / for our well being as beings who are both natural and spiritual at the same time.

As the data about the effects of the sexual revolution continues to come it confirms that what we are doing is not making us happier or more fulfilled.

Men are not thriving... women are not thriving... children are not thriving... society is not thriving.

Photos by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC.​

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