7/23/2023 Quantum Stellar Initiative (QSI) #7 Interview with StellarRussia (Russian Military)

10 months ago

Transcript with notes: https://t.me/QuantumStellarInitiative/26482

Ben provides updates on the upcoming RV (revaluation), GCR (Global Currency Reset), XRP, and SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) and debunks the disinformation and misinformation being shared by other communities

He confirms the RV and ability to participate in Humanitarian Projects will be open to the entire world for those who are interested, not limited to small circles sharing false intel, processes, and procedures

The RV is NOT happening "NOWNOWNOWNOWNOW"; it will come after all the Stellar bridges have been built, tested, confirmed, and closed -- just like what we've been saying in QSI!

"We want everyone to be able to do this, we want everyone to be able to excel at this level, we want everyone to be able to have a chance. This is why, as Emily said and I hereby confirm, that this will not be a quick process… We’ll have time to prepare, we’ll have time to experience it, and we will have time to enjoy the results after" - Ben, StellarRussia

Interview #1: https://youtu.be/mYI1FsUtTFY /
Interview #2: https://youtu.be/cJrPjggasq4 / https://rumble.com/v2drsmw-3182023-quantum-stellar-initiative-qsi-2-interview-with-stellarrussia-russi.html
Interview #3: https://youtu.be/AmpuXmWwBZA / https://rumble.com/v2esfxw-3252023-quantum-stellar-initiative-qsi-3-interview-with-stellarrussia-russi.html
Interview #4: https://youtu.be/0dyO5C4hW0M / https://rumble.com/v2ian3i-4142023-quantum-stellar-initiative-qsi-4-interview-with-stellarrussia-russi.html
Interview #5: https://rumble.com/v2qdysi-5272023-quantum-stellar-initiative-qsi-5-interview-with-stellarrussia-russi.html
Interview #6: https://rumble.com/v2w62eo-6242023-quantum-stellar-initiative-qsi-6-interview-with-stellarrussia-russi.html

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Legitimate Stellar Developers for the QFS:
StellarRussia: https://t.me/stellarrussia
QAZEmpire23: https://t.me/QAZEmpire23
Tokens Foundation: https://t.me/TokensFound
Lumendex: https://t.me/lumendexchannel
Stellar Project Integrity Audit: https://t.me/StellarSwitzerland
BlackRock Hodlings: https://t.me/blackrockholdings
Project Overledger: https://t.me/projectoverledger

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