'Was Sandy Hook an operating school? Comparison of schools from map' - 2013

10 months ago

Published on Jan 30, 2013

"Police had no idea where the school was. Dash cam shows police getting lost and turning around. Cars parked at firehouse and on road already too. Part 1 - part 2 is linked in video

outside photos show rundown school, loose wires, weeds growing in cement, mold, algae, bullet hole, lots of problems

Update: 2/7/13 - Here is a video I was wrong, I have done extensive research on Sandy Hook and put the research together including mapping the bus route to the victim's addresses along with School board archives.

When I am wrong I say I am.

Proof that Sandy Hook was not an operating school?

You decide.

Added 2/5/13 - I have found minutes of a School board meeting from the beginning of 2012. Sandy Hook is shown in the meeting on a list and the budget requirements for the school. So, I was wrong in assuming that it was a closed school. It seems that SH was an operating school. What is interesting though are the figures used for the schools in how many students and classroom sizes for the elementary schools.

Someone has commented that I was mistaken and what I showed as St. Rosa is actually the Public middle school.

It seems that other elementary schools show no cars and then others show cars. It has been mentioned it may have been a Sunday for St. Rosa to have cars. The church next to Sandy Hook school does not have any cars in it.

It is possible this was taken on a weekend and so my analysis may not be correct in the video. There is a small reading school next to SH that does have cars in it.

If I have surmised incorrectly that was not my intent. My intent is to fully find out the truth about Sandy Hook and what all occurred. I want to know the Truth about it as so many others do and have been looking at all angles of it.

Update 1/30/13- 5:04PM - I have been viewing the Bing maps once more due to the various comments to try and figure out if I was totally wrong about the day comparison of the other school. What is strange is I did a close view of Sandy Hook again and went up to the Firehouse close up. When I went back to the school the picture of SH school has the car lot full of cars in view on the map.

Update 1/30/13 - Someone sent me this link that has Sandy Hook scores and the demographics of the school. It does show the address for Sandy Hook.

I still don't understand how the day of the shooting and the helicopter footage not showing hundreds of children coming out of the school. Besides the obvious recycling of the people at the firehouse, besides no children being there. What is the truth of Sandy Hook? I believe it is important to dig for the truth. Just like 9/11, it is due to people being determined to find out the truth that the story from the government and media could not have happened the way they told us. The same is with Sandy Hook. I am researching in every way to find out what is and what isn't.

If the school was operating than I was wrong about my conclusions in the video from what I observed. But from other viewpoints of seeing Sandy Hook with cars, I have also noticed people will be at the baseball diamond. So do those cars belong to them? I have no intention of hurting those who may have lost children from SH. I would also hope they would want to know the full truth of it all too.

Remember... what does not make sense:
Robbie Parker
2nd/3rd shooter
firehouse scene
guns in car
car registration
Ryan's ID on Adam, when he hadn't seen him for years
trashing Nancy Lanza as a prepper by people who had not had contact with her for years
No record of Nancy and Adam Lanza shooting at a range
No pictures of the inside of the school
No evidence of windows shot out
bullet holes in car - when there is no way they could have been from the inside
The coroner
Drill happening of the same type event just over a mile away
Radio calls - including "End the life of Adam" on it

The list goes on and on..... The point is we have not been told the truth and I firmly believe we should honor the children and the families affected by finding out what the truth really is.


Other Sandy Hook videos:
People recycling in and out of the Firehouse on Dec. 14th 2012

Government and media told us Sandy Hook was a Hoax ahead of time

My message to MSM about what they call people who are questioning the story:

If you appreciate the things I find then might I consider purchasing a few dollars of Sandy Hook Hoax token on the Algorand blockchain https://vestige.fi/asset/1156612691
Things live forever and permanently on the blockchain and if the token gets enough support we can ensure that all of the hard work everyone has done and continues to do doesn't one day get all traces of it eliminated. Keep saving, archiving, seeding, downloading and sharing everything. If you don't you allow them to erase and rewrite history how they see fit. Remember that you pay them to tell you what you can talk about. :)

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