Duck Lands On Frozen Lake, Ice Skates The Rest Of The Way

7 years ago

This has to be one of the coolest wild animal videos we have seen! It may have been a coincidence, given that the surface of the lake is frozen, but the way this <a href="" target="_blank">duck</a> lands on the frozen lake is worthy of at least one movie!

A group of people took this clip of Mallard ducks on Lake Chervonoye in the Gomel region in Belarus. The flock of male and female Mallard ducks can be seen walking on the crystal clear ice like it is no big deal, but they aren’t the stars of this show!

It is the one male <a href="" target="_blank">duck</a> that descended from the sky a few feet away from shore. One might think that the landing itself might break the ice, cause the bird to fall in the water, but no. Given how slick these birds are in their natural habitat, the male Mallard duck slid across the icy lake towards shore as soon as his feet touched the ice.

Was that cool or what?

The Mallard duck, native to most the Eurasian continent, is known for the male’s distinctive color of plumage on their heads, mostly characterised with shiny, dark green feathers. That is what also makes them quite elegant as trophies.

Mallard have had a long relationship with humans. Almost all domestic duck breeds derive from the mallard, with the exception of a few Muscovy breeds.

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