Dangerous vaccine ingredients: Open discourse essential

10 months ago

In the summer of 2021, the renowned pathologist Prof. Dr. Schirmacher from Heidelberg made a name for himself in the Deutsche Ärztezeitung. He assumes, analogous to the results of his investigations, that the number of people who died as a result of Covid 19 vaccinations is significantly higher than officially reported. It became known from Japan that scientists found metal parts in Moderna's Covid-19 vaccine. This led to the death of some vaccinated people and the Japanese government had 1.63 million vaccine doses withdrawn from circulation. Due to these and other similar incidents, top-class doctors, scientists and lawyers met in Reutlingen on 20 September 2021 for a congress followed by a press conference. The experts agree that undeclared ingredients in Covid vaccines are wreaking havoc in the vaccinated. They ask themselves why, in spite of the highly toxic and even deadly ingredients, pharmaceutical companies, politicians and the leading media always talk about safe Covid vaccines and suppress every qualified dissenting voice.
Shortly before, a Spanish research team had even detected graphene oxide with all its potential danger in Covid-19 vaccines and sounded the alarm, while politicians and the leading media swept these facts under the carpet as well. But what exactly is graphene oxide and what does it do to humans?

Graphene and graphene oxide: Risky All-rounders

Graphene is 1000 times more conductive than copper, 100 times stronger than steel and as flexible as rubber. It transfers its properties to any material to which it is added. In this way, almost any material can be made electrically conductive. Graphene is used in cars, in glass, in coatings or as an enhancer of plastic. Rubber tyres become more resistant and fireproof. Special concrete mixed with graphene can withstand double the loads. Image sensors become 1000 times more sensitive to light. The less expensive graphene oxide has similar properties.
It is foreseeable that these super substances will be found in all areas of daily life even before their harmlessness has been proven. But what if this material turns out to be a problem substance that is harmful to health, neither degradable nor recyclable? Can humanity once again afford the unbridled use of a dubious wonder substance? Nothing learned from the asbestos scandal?

Graphene oxide: Dangerous use in humans

According to the American FDA, which is roughly equivalent to the German Robert Koch Institute RKI, graphene oxide is not approved for use in humans because of its toxic effects. Nevertheless, it is used in many ways today. Graphene oxide is used in medicine, e.g. with cancer patients, to transport anti-cancer substances piggyback into the diseased organs. Graphene oxide is used in brain implants to treat epilepsy, stroke and Parkinson's disease. Researchers use it to study and modify cellular structures. It is also found in gels for wound healing in diabetes. Nevertheless, we are dealing with a toxin that has also found its way into many areas of everyday life. It is found in many items of clothing. Above all, however, graphene oxide is used in cosmetics.
Numerous creams, gels and cosmetic face masks contain these nanoparticles. It is even in condoms. Graphene oxide has also been detected in food, even in organic teas. Traces of it can also be found in many PCR test kits and nasal mouth masks. It is unclear what purpose it is supposed to serve here.

Potential danger of graphene oxide in the human body

Scientists from two Spanish universities raised the alarm about the detection of graphene oxide in BioNtech/Pfizer vaccine batches as early as summer 2021. Former Pfizer employee Karen Kingston confirmed this in an interview shortly afterwards and additionally revealed that Pfizer does not even declare graphene oxide as an ingredient in its vaccines despite its potentially toxic side effects. This is despite the fact that this cytotoxin appears to cause the very symptoms previously observed in corona diseases and especially after corona vaccinations: multiple embolisms and thromboses in the vascular system of all organs (especially in brain and heart vessels), acute myocarditis in young people who never had heart problems before, damage to the lungs with reduced oxygen absorption capacity and resulting respiratory distress syndrome, total or partial loss of the sense of taste and smell, and also a considerable weakening of the immune system due to a reduction in the antioxidant glutathione.
Why don't our "quality media" sound the alarm here?

Graphene oxide: Misuse potential and code of ethics

After researchers were able to detect both metal particles and graphene oxide in Covid 19 vaccines, the question arises as to what these materials that damage the body are supposed to be used for? In brain research, electricity-conducting nanoparticles made of metals or carbon, for example gold or graphene, find their application. A research team at the Christian Albrecht University in Kiel is working on how active substances can be released remotely in the brain. Another researcher is working on using electrically conductive metal-graphene gels in the body as biohybrid robots. If the human brain and bodily functions can be controlled by means of such particles of metal and graphene oxide, the potential for abuse is frighteningly high.
- An open discourse between science and politics is needed here in order to define a voluntary restriction through a code of ethics so that any excesses can be stopped in time.


"Miteinander reden" is the name of the three-volume work by communication psychologist Friedemann Schulz. "Ganz Ohr - Aufeinander Hören" is the name of the textbook for musicians by Tijs Krammer. Others say: "Pay attention to the effects in your heart." Apparently, humanity currently needs tutoring in these naturally-established but buried skills, so much so that books now even have to be written about them. At present, it is more important than ever to talk to each other, to listen to each other and to perceive what is stirring in the heart. For it is necessary to overcome the division in the people fomented by politics and the leading media, to enable a public discourse on explosive topics and to find a consensus that leads to a common goal.

from bri, gr, hm, ms, nis, pg
Prof. Dr. Schirmacher: High number of unreported Covid vaccination deaths

Japan withdraws Moderna vaccine doses from circulation


Press conference of 20.09.2021

Spanish study on graphene oxide in Pfizer vaccine

Graphene and graphene oxide: Risky all-rounders

(Braking Lab)

Graphene oxide: Dangerous use in humans Graphene in clothing


Graphene brain implants to treat epilepsy and stroke

Thinner condoms thanks to graphene Composite material with graphene makes rubber stronger and more tear-resistant

Graphene in masks

Graphene and graphene oxide (=GO) as nanomaterials for medicine and biology https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40097-018-0265-6







Potential dangers of graphene oxide in the human body https://odysee.com/@Knowledge:6/Stew_Peters_Karen_Kingston_Graphenoxid:6



Graphene oxide: Potential for abuse

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