The plans of the devil

10 months ago

Would if I told you there was an active plan in place to replace the DNA of mankind with the devils DNA.
If the devil can succeed he will have thwarted the plan of God. Gender identity, transgenderism, homosexuality, abortion and the changing of the English language regarding the sexuality of mankind are all a means to an end. The devil is involved in this because he wants to take procreation out of the domain of God.

He has done this sense the beginning of this age in the Garden of Eden and then with the Fallen Angels. There were 3 influxes of the fallen angels and one attempt by satan in the Garden of Eden.
With the advent of AI and a singularity where a machine becomes aware of itself we have entered a brave new world where mankind has never gone before. It is called trans humanism, a mixture of man and machine.

They are collecting a data base of DNA all over the world and make no mistake, it is very sinister in nature. Each baby that is born today has its DNA put into this data base and every person who was tested for the virus as well. I believe every vaccine now has RNA inside it and could contain the DNA of satan himself.

By now most of you think I’m crazy. Look around you and tell me that people aren’t changing in behavior and the world seems to be going insane with all of the crazy things happening all over the world. There are people that seem to be empty and devoid of a soul when you look at them, They are irrational and completely immoral.
We are truly in the last days my friends.

Daniel 9 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself:
and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.

The people of the prince have sold their souls to the devil

Delusion and confusion are the rule of the day
People have lost their mind in every way
Nothing is as it should be
Many have eyes but they can’t see

Down isn’t down and left isn’t right
The truth is hidden in plain sight
Many will listen but they can’t hear
Minds of confusion and full of fear

You know their lying and they do too
When you don’t believe them they blame you
Delusion Is their solution no matter what you say
They have all the answers and you’re just in their way

In the end pretense will be past tense
And the song will come to an end
Give it your best shot believe it or not
There is no time left to pretend

As the world comes closer to its final hour
The forces of darkness are gaining their power
Good and evil there are only two sides
Make your choice now before the evening tides

MV 2023 TheRemnantSeed

Books on Amazon
Defending the Faith
Last Generation
The Rain appendix for the Companion Bible
The KJV of the Bible

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