The SPIRIT of truth

10 months ago

Droves of people claim to wield the truth. They're convinced of it and are encouraged by their many asinine followers fully agreeing with 'em. But it's always truth relative to their own biased and limited understanding.

An essential Spiritual dynamic operates in our time-space locale which oftentimes requires a bordering on desperate desire to know *the truth* before we even begin finding it. Otherwise we're free to accept anything that comes to us, anything that "feels good" - true or false.

We generally accept the "feel good" things without question as our truth. But I don't care what fancy esoteric system you follow: in this fallen world of LIES we are NOT our own criterion of truth. Accepting only what feeeels good is just the biggest trap and why mankind is totally soul suckered in so many ways: MOST OF THE TIME.

I wonder how many want *the truth* over the bullshit versions we're given in such copious quantities, lapped up by so many? The strong desire for knowing truth (in legitimate guise) attracts the very Spirit of truth: the genuine Law of Attraction in action!

As a young, wide eyed new ager I was into channeling for years but didn't do it myself. I sensed energy in the presence of channelers yet I wasn't personally touched by those beings. I sure wanted to be: I sent out the call, followed the steps and meditated often with clear mind. I prayed for them to appear or make me a channel - to no response. During my Enlightened Brahman phase I called to Babaji (Yogananda's Paramguru) many times. Nothin' happened. Now I know why.

(Besides my belief) I was at least aurically protected from those dark entities - left alone to eventually become sensitive to the Spirit of truth.

This is nothing like channeling. Spirit is so different from anything else it's literally like being Born Again - Born From ABOVE. Yet it can be real hard to process the insight amidst the clamour of a selfish world packed full of sensual and material desires. Talk about cognitive dissonance! (Isaiah 60:2). If it wasn't for the comforting Hand of Spirit holding mine I'd be reeling under the amount of bestowed vision.

We gotta keep our wits about us, and they're wHoly embodied in JESUS. Holy Spirit is the Comforter Jesus said He would send following His Ascension. However, It's much more than a comforter but THE most Divine teacher: greater than any worldly guru or new age mystic 'cos there's no bondage to the material realm, allowing for zero ego filtering or spiritual perversion via a compromised body/mind.

Spirit don't work through our emotions but through an acute intuition very different to new age contrivances. I've had it all my life but couldn't accurately assess the underlying cause. How could I? I was in a very different light.

As we grow in Spirit we develop discernment of EVIL. We're able to see evil wherever it's hidden. In Spirit there's no coming to spurious conclusions arising from bent egotism and specious mysticisms, and definitely no delusions of grandeur.


If you wanna know more, the link below is to my blog.

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