The the Grave of the Gypsy Queen

10 months ago

The Gypsy Queen Grave

Most people in Marion have probably heard of the Gypsy Queen grave in St. Mary’s Cemetery. The grave, which is located in the section of the cemetery reserved for non-Catholics, is relatively easy to locate since it’s usually covered in pennies as well as other assorted trinkets. There’s also a wooden cross nearby, likewise adorned, and which is also part of her grave. According to local lore, leaving offerings at her grave will bring good luck while stealing from it will cause a curse to befall the thief.

According to an article appearing in The Marion Star on March 20th, 2010, marking the 105th anniversary of her death, the Gypsy Queen was a woman named Ann Judge, called Queen Cleo by her people. She died in childbirth on March 20th, 1905, while traveling through Marion. The child also died.

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