Occupation of Center Sector (Lorraine) , May 20-July 19, 1918, 32nd Division

10 months ago

On activities in Alsace. Reel 1 shows conferences among Gens. Boardman, Haan, and Fr. Gens. de Boissoudy and Gamelin. 125th Inf. troops train with airplane signal panels and man a signal station. 128th Inf. scouts round up Ger. snipers; 126th Inf. troops man trenches; 107th Ammunition Train troops move ammunition onto caissons. 127th Inf. Polish troops eat. Troops watch boxing matches. Reel 2, Haan inspects the 128th. 125th Inf. troops occupy Sentheim, Ger., and are reviewed by Gamelin, Pershing, and Haan. 147th F.A. troops inspect a Hotchkiss machine gun.

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