TOUGHFEST Highlight Reel | Stay Dangerous

10 months ago

Thank you to everyone who participated in TOUGHFEST 2023. Burn the gas and we will see you next year.

Here's some totals statistics from the event:

42,000 Meals were packed with MTN OPS in the Conquer Hunger Volunteer Event For the Gallatin Valley Food Bank.

40 people carried water up Mt. Baldy:
= 417 lbs of water
= 80000 ft of climbing
= 80000 descent
= 168 miles total hiked

23 Teams of 3 people = 69 people completed workout:

= 138 miles RAN (2.0 miles per athlete)

= 23,000 feet on Versa Climber

= 6,900 yards pulled/pushed with Rope Sled (200 lbs for Males/110 lbs for Females)

= 2,300 Squat Thrusters (Males: 30s, Females: 20s)

= 2,300 Burpees

= 34,500 meters on the Ski Erg

= 4,600 Sandbag Step Ups (Males: 80 lbs, Females: 40 lbs)

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