Discover the Irresistible Flavors of Fresh Salmon and Chicken Wrap

11 months ago

But there's only one thing left to do and that's to give it a taste test Let's get into that salmon Ooh that salmon is so soft Wow that is delicious And with the lemon squeezed on top phenomenal All the natural vegetables ingredients you can really taste the flavor It's like eating straight from a garden I love this You guys have to give this a try That's a really good salad Let's go I usually don't like salad but that is a good salad All right our last meal is going to be a chicken wrap It's actually going to be two wraps again for one serving so we're going to be using two spinach carb balance wraps half a cup of spinach eight ounces of chicken half a cup of tomatoes one fourth cup of hot avocado and one fourth cup of chopped onions So you know what's first Let's go ahead and heat up the pan Halfway heat All right you already know what to do Put these in half thinly sliced Time for the seasoning Man you guys should be pro chicken makers after this Ready to go Gotta treat these with love Bam

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