grapple arm quest in SUBNAUTICA

11 months ago

in which we find ourselves going in circles looking for the grappling arm for our prawn suit

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oh how do I change my arms did you get them I don't know I'm just saying if I have the recipes oh there's our drill up oh [ __ ] upgrade oh we didn't have the jet upgrade that's why we couldn't get up the wall because look what it needs crystalline sulfur and the Galore well I guess we'll have the drill

arms I have so much crap

don't worry you'll need it I'll need all of this crap yeah all of it cool eventually what am I even doing like what is like what am I preparing for do you know what I'm preparing get off the planet right yeah do you know where we're going next once we got like the jump upgrade and the all these upgrades for our prawn suit mm-hmm all right we're going to the lava zone is that where we're going next is it past the tree with the uh with the Rays cool cool cool so we're going back down there yep even further even further well we've proven that we can do it yep should we get the grappling hump probably just for your Tantrums I don't have Tantrums who have I been talking to this whole time you [ __ ]

here for this I don't care for the way you're treating me I know you like it yeah so should we do it should we do the look oh wait no we're getting arms and [ __ ] first so where do we get a grappling arm oh do we not have the blueprint for that not oh bro it says we could get that in the blood kelp Zone

[ __ ] that's upsetting oh kind of this area with this wreckage that's like across these two like flip edges oh that's not good why is that oh it's just in the blood kelp Zone you know with all the warpers and the eels yeah all those evil creatures grappling um okay in the blood kelp Zone we flip and need some uh what do you call those now beacons those things have been carrying two of this whole time what

I was Mitch

uh oh I'm not the only one who is a bit forgetful huh I didn't say okay listen oh I said that I am forgivable I wasn't even mad interesting quotes I was just saying I was just saying

I was just saying how endearing is it [Music] it was like a round so you just go around this thing go a little to your left that's it

I do want you to realize that you are going in the mall yeah okay it was a blood count zone right that's where we want like we didn't have to go too deep for the uh yeah yeah we're not going to the Lost River or nothing yeah yeah we're not going too yeah so yeah I know okay

because we just after a grappling hooks right

yeah the grappling arm so it's around

in this area and there's going to be like a wreckage yeah

it's like across these areas like um

there's gonna be like a ditch with it across it

squeeze going deeper

I thought I saw some wreckage when we did this the first time but I'm not sure now

I don't think it's gonna be down here no how would wreckage even get down here is the thing like what's bringing wreckage down here that's a good question

was that electric guy

was a warper

oh phone call what is gonna make phone call now what the hell am I that's a good question

a little safer down here

this one's singing ominously yeah

it's very scary


the beat though what the heck yeah bro

yay oh I guess you can go to the islands find it as well in some wreckage do we not have any part for it no well so we need to scan multiple don't we there's I think two uh

you hate this game I hate some things that this game does and I'm not fond of that I'm not fond of how much you have a chore it is to get some [ __ ] [ __ ]

I don't know where it is okay so I know that we've gone to some places before in the underwater Islands

and uh I think that's probably where we should go this time I don't know where it is under here I guess you can get the grappling arm in the underwater Islands see underwater Islands um that's the other place that looks like mushrooms but it looks like morel mushrooms instead of

the the mushroom trees [Music]

how do we get there

should be like let's see I sent you the map just so you would know where things are yeah oh it's right next to the blackout Zone yeah so I was at North yeah it's that way

kelp forest it shouldn't be hard to find the underwater Islands they're just gonna have the bone sharks around it

yeah yeah man

oh my lord it's the abyss



you suddenly look like a underwater Island [Music] would you look like one too

this is like the Crag

Una uh-huh

drill on

oh hey obviously got something new thank you

yeah the worst you made it to the islands didn't we say this with the Crag last time we were here no the Crag is like if I said that I didn't mean it the Crag is like the uh you know super craggy area you know oh yeah

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