Reading, studying, meditating the bible

11 months ago

Just some ideas to help out those that might not know these things.
First off there is a definite difference between
"READING", studying, meditating, taking a
question or problem to God, etc etc.
They are all different and separate things and once
you grasp this. Well then the rest is easier. Notice I
never said "EASY". I said easier LOL. :)

Let us go backwards ok?
Understanding parts of the bible.
Taking a problem or question to God. Ok first off
write the question down in a book. Put the date on it.
Now write how it confuses you or what it is you
don't understand. Be as detailed as you can.
Now in prayer simply tell this to God.
Then wait. He might reply right away. He might
take a week. But one day the answer will come and
you will be astounded how easy it was and how
simple the answer is etc etc.
Now this is the hard part. WRITE THE ANSWER
DOWN in your book. You can also write the date
and how you got the answer.
Then in the future when you are down and can't
understand life you can go back to your book and
see how God was in your life.

This is what you do alone.
What you do is take a verse or section of the bible
[like one of the beatitudes or even the whole sermon
on the mount]. Now think about it. What does it
mean to you.
How can you live it?
How can you apply it?
Does it benefit you or others or both?
How does it fulfill the top two commandments?
[Love God with all your heart mind soul and body
and the second is like unto the first.
Love thy neighbour like thyself.
Upon these lie ALL the commandments
and the prophets].
Does it make you closer to God?
Does it fix a problem?
Where is Jesus in that verse[s].
Where are you in those verses?
And on and on.

This is what you do with others.
With your spouse, your children, friends, pastor,
etc, etc.
Here is where "iron sharpens iron". This is where
you get together to learn Gods word in "council".
Often called “bible studies” at churches.
No person is an island.
You take a scripture and see how to
apply it into your life.
How to use it to change your life and draw you
closer to God our Father and AS Father.
Isaiah 52 is a good example most never consider.

Ok then so what is left?
Have you read where Jesus says a few times to
others "have you read...." and then
He quotes verses? And after quoting them
He tells them what it means.
Well have I got something for you LOLOL.
When I found this out I tried it and I was like a
little kid giggling it was so cool.

Ok so I read the bible daily for an hour a day.
Then I did it when waiting in lines, waiting for
a bus, on the bus. Instead of watching TV.
When eating. Whenever I wasn't talking to
someone I was reading the bible.
Now you do NOT study at this point.
The bible is written
in the spirit,
by the Spirit,
for the spirit.
It is NOT for the brain when reading.
That is where studying comes in. When you study
the Holy Spirit helps your mind to understand the
deep things of God. But reading is only reading.
It is "EATING" the word of God.
Studying is the digesting.
But reading is just that. Read.
Don't even try to understand it.
That is what meditating is for.
And you are not meditating.
You are reading.
Ok are you getting it now?

So I read pretty fast. And with 6 hours a day I can
read the bible in one week. I read the bible once a
week for 50 weeks one year for instance.
Now that is a lot of reading. You can get sick
doing this by the way. Seriously, it can make
you sick, Like eating to much food constantly.
So work up to it over time if you want to try it.

Ok so the benefits of this. When ever you are
curious about something, then you know within
a week you will see the reply in the bible.
Jot down the verse number and then when
meditating or studying go back to those verses. :)
Also, no one can say "it is in the bible"
because well, you just read it and
That is the most important verse so far.
You read. The Holy Spirit brings it to your
remembrance as you need it.
You end up quoting the bible like
the Son of God Himself.
It is truly super cool when it happens. :)
Also, when you ask Him a question about His
word "all of a sudden" the verses just pop into
your head.
Can't remember what you haven't read
though LOL.
I found it started to get weird in a good way after
about 2 months [8 times through the bible].
Ok then. If you can separate reading from studying
and meditating etc, etc. Then this is easy to
understand and follow.

Start slowly. Just make it a point to only "READ"
daily. Say one chapter a day. After this becomes
easy [say a week or month] then make it 2 chapters.
Wait until it becomes easy again, then add a chapter.

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