Mainstream Media - The Movie [2016 - Robert Chatwin]

10 months ago

Mainstream Media - The Movie presents footage from some of today's most important and successful documentaries on the topic of media to create a narrative that demonstrates how the mainstream media are having an incredibly detrimental effect on people and the planet.
It is clear from the vast amount of academic studies available that the mainstream media is one of the biggest hindrances to personal and global wellness.
In just 43 minutes, the film takes you on an in depth journey through how the human mind is being shaped by TV programmes, newspapers, video games, advertising and the news to believe a particular story that fits current political and economic interests, and the consumer them-and-us ethos of our times, but does not serve humanity in moving forward towards a peaceful, loving and sustainable planet.
The film demonstrates how mainstream media use psychological techniques and systematically repeated messages to tap into our deepest wants, fears and desires in order to influence our behaviour and our beliefs.
The effect is that mainstream media are causing people to become more stressed, fearful, racist, sexist and even abusive, which in turn is a major cause of depressive illness, human cruelty, environmental destruction through consumption and war.
The documentary features experts in academia, architecture, engineering, film, TV and more, and features footage from some of today's most important and successful documentaries on the topic of media, including:
Manufacturing Consent (1992)
Ethos Genesis (2015)
True Cost (2015)
Miss Representation (2011)
Bowling for Columbine (2002)
Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004)
Project Censored (2013)
The objective of this documentary is to help viewers develop critical thinking skills by considering to what extent the human race is being conditioned to believe in a made-up reality, and the effect that has on the health of people and the planet.
The proposed solution is simple yet profound - Turn off the TV.
Can we stop participating in the story and choose a different narrative that promotes personal and global wellness instead?
This video is a non profit educational resource for free classroom and personal use to develop critical thinking skills and encourage discussion about how to increase personal and global wellness.
This video is free to download and share with no restrictions.
Wake Up World Education (WUWE) is building a science-supported independent online educational platform that provides free resources for Personal & Global Wellness Training.
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