'I left my dog at a kennel while I went on holiday – when I got back they'd cremated him'

10 months ago

'I left my dog at a kennel while I went on holiday – when I got back they'd cremated him'

French Bulldog Pablo had been left in the care of Scrub a Dug Dug kennels when Adam Gardner McLean was on holiday in Turkey

with his family before they received a devastating text to say he had been cremated

A family has been left devastated after returning from holiday to find their dog had been cremated by the kennel they left him in.

Two-year-old French Bulldog Pablo had been left in the care of Scrub a Dug Dug in West Lothian while dad Adam Gardner McLean

went on holiday to Turkey with Gemma Allan, 29, and son Cody, eight.

But 11 days into their trip, the car salesman received a devastating text

Message from the kennel that Pablo had passed away, Daily Record reports.

Joan Barr, who owns the kennels, told the family she had cremated the pet before informing them Pablo had died.

"I got a text from Joan saying she had been trying to get a hold of us but our phones never rang," Adam said.

She said she found Pablo dead after taking him for a walk earlier in the morning and that he had been sick.

"Then she took Pablo to ICarePetCrem and had him cremated 10 hours before she told us he had died.

"She told the crematorium she had our permission to cremate Pablo.

"She said he had been sick on and off for a few days but she didn't try to contact us or attempt to take him to the vet.

"Gemma burst out crying as soon as she saw the text message

saying he was dead. Then we had to explain to our son what had happened. It was horrible.
The news was hard enough to hear as it is, without the whole aftermath of everything.

"We don't have camera footage and we

couldn't get a post mortem because he was cremated without us knowing so will will never be able to prove anything."

Adam claims he contacted ICarePetCrem who allegedly told him Pablo was '

stiff and cold' with his harness still on in the boot of Joan's car.

He also claims staff at the crematorium told him Joan refused for workers to pick Pablo up and insisted on taking him there herself.

The 30-year-old added: "The owner of the crematorium said Pablo arrived in a cage, with his legs outstretched and

A cage, with his legs outstretched and his harness on.

"The crate was covered in blankets. He has worked in the business for 20 years

and believed Pablo had been dead for 12 to 15 hours when he arrived.

The family collected Pablo's ashes from ICarePetCrem directly when they returned from their holiday on Saturday, June 24.

Adam says Joan has now ignored calls, messages and even attempts to speak to her at her house.

He added: "It has been a horrible week. My son is gutted,

he played with Pablo everyday. Maybe it was an accident but something doesn't seem right.

"I want to make sure other dog owners are aware of what happened to Pablo."

A West Lothian Council spokesperson said:

"We have been made aware of an alleged incident regarding a dog which may have died whilst in the custody of an individual

. We will be investigating the allegation. We are unable to comment further at this


A spokesperson for the SSPCA said: "The Scottish SPCA received a call regarding a dog

that had died while in the care of an unregistered boarder while his owners were on holiday.

"We are looking into this case and have referred the matter to the local authority."

'I left my canine at a pet hotel while I went on vacation - when I got back they'd incinerated him'

French Bulldog Pablo had been left under the watchful eye of Clean a Dug pet hotels when Adam Gardner McLean was on vacation in Turkey

with his family before they got an overwhelming text to say he had been incinerated

A family has been left crushed in the wake of getting back from occasion to find their canine had been incinerated by the pet hotel they left him in.

Two-year-old French Bulldog Pablo had been left under the watchful eye of Clean a Dug Dove in West Lothian while father Adam Gardner McLean

went on vacation to Turkey with Gemma Allan, 29, and child Cody, eight.

Be that as it may, 11 days into their excursion, the vehicle sales rep got a staggering text

Message from the pet hotel that Pablo had died, Day to day Record reports.

Joan Barr, who claims the pet hotels, told the family she had incinerated the pet prior to illuminating them Pablo had passed on.

"I got a message from Joan saying she had been attempting to snag us yet our telephones never rang," Adam said.

She said she found Pablo dead in the wake of going for him for a stroll prior in the first part of the day and that he had been wiped out.

"Then she took Pablo to ICarePetCrem and had him incinerated 10 hours before she let us know he had passed on.

"She advised the crematorium she had our authorization to incinerate Pablo.

"She said he had been wiped out here and there for a couple of days yet she didn't attempt to reach us or endeavor to take him to the vet.

"Gemma burst into tears when she saw the in

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