This Little Girl Refuses To Talk To Her Mimi Because She Says Bad Words

7 years ago

When parents teach their younglings to talk, they make some boundaries about which words they most certainly can’t use. These parents use very conventional, but time-proven methods of making sure their kids know which words are “bad words”, like making the kids pay a quarter or do a chore or lose a privilege. These kids have the most precious of reactions every time the hear someone say a naughty word, like little Josie here.

Josie was spending a girls day with her Aunt Mimi, without mom and dad, when something happened that made Josie, a DIT, which means “Diva In Training” to you and me, decide she doesn’t want to stay with Mimi anymore.

The little girl has some strong feelings about Aunt Mimi using a very bad word and she makes sure that everyone knows how she feels. She might be sugr on the outside, but she sure is pure spice on the inside and she means business! Now the niece won’t even talk to her Aunt Mimi, but she sure threatened the woman that she will tell her on mom and dad!

She will talk to Kirsten and to KK and to Mammie, but she will not talk to Mimi, because she is really upset! The girl is all sparks, while the adults behind the camera are barely holding it together.

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