Superthings Neon Power : The assault of exoskeleton, Part02

10 months ago

In the SuperThings Neon Power episode "The Assault of the Exoskeletons," the evil Kazoom Kids team up with the Exoskeletons to take over Kaboom City. The SuperThings heroes must use all their powers to stop them.

The episode begins with the Kazoom Kids stealing a truck full of Exoskeletons. The Exoskeletons are powerful armored suits that give the Kazoom Kids incredible strength and durability. With the Exoskeletons on their side, the Kazoom Kids are unstoppable.

The SuperThings heroes quickly realize that they are outmatched. They try to fight back, but the Exoskeletons are too powerful. Just when it seems like all hope is lost, ColorFlash arrives. ColorFlash is a new SuperThing with the power of neon. He is able to use his powers to create powerful energy blasts that can destroy the Exoskeletons.

With ColorFlash's help, the SuperThings are able to defeat the Kazoom Kids and the Exoskeletons. Kaboom City is saved, and the SuperThings are victorious.

The episode "The Assault of the Exoskeletons" is a great example of the action and adventure that SuperThings fans have come to expect. It is full of exciting battles, cool gadgets, and amazing powers. If you are a fan of SuperThings, then you will definitely want to check out this episode.

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