Vancouver Crazy Rental Prices will lead to the Death of the Big City !, Empty Units , food prices

9 months ago

Originally Aired on Jan 26, 2016 VANCOUVER
Vancouver Crazy Rental Prices will lead to a Mass exodus ahead of the Middle class Canadian Proper
Vancouver we have a pretty big film school called Vancouver Film School we also got quite a bit of pretty cool places here if you like skiing year-round and stuff like that so there's lots of cool things to do here and people just want to I guess a fresh restart in life and one who start over I guess anyways rents in Vancouver they're pricey if you want to live on your own let's say a one-bedroom condo medium like medium class like that a high-class place but a medium class condo eight nine year old condo you're looking probably at eleven to fourteen hundred dollars a month in the Vancouver core if you go outside of Vancouver you're looking at about a thousand to twelve hundred a month for a one-bedroom I lived in when I went under one-bedroom for six six years and I was paying 1750 a month for a one-bedroom condo I just thought I'd throw that out there because there's a quite a few people asking about that the real estate here for renting renting is very expensive also home buying it's one of the most expensive places I think in North America for to buy a house it's extremely expensive the average house starts at 1 point 1 million dollars and it's a fixer-upper you can't even live in the house you need to spend a lot of money to get the place up and running and then also if you buy a condo here the strategies are like four or five hundred a month on top of your mortgage if you buy a condo so it's a very very expensive very very expensive place to live I'm just being straight up I'm renting a house now it's cost me almost two thousand two hundred to rent a house in Vancouver still homes don't vancouver but yes that's the cost of living is very expensive but can i add i want to add something to that it's the price of food the price of food is phenomenal everything has to get imported in here like most of the stuff gets imported in and the price of food is very expensive the price of food right now i'm on average spending 400 to 500 dollars a week in food and i'll show you guys my receipts going forward because i've mentioned this before in another video and someone said i was that i'm making it up i'm not making it up and that's just food because i go to a food store that just sells food I don't buy the Turgeon so I don't buy clothes and stuff like you know add stuff to the order or to my food budget I went out buy food but yes that's what I spend a week on food so please keep in mind if you're coming to rent and stuff I know a lot of people have that mentality oh yeah I'm just gonna go with the mac and cheese for six months and no you don't want to do that to yourself you want to be able to go out eat with friends you want to be able to buy your groceries like a normal human being does you don't want to live off mac and cheese and romaine noodles for three years of your life because I'm like shorten your lifespan but anyway so I mean I'm just throwing that out there at the cost of living is it's very expensive but please factor in the cost of food so if it's you if it's one person alone you're looking at about 200 to 260 a week in food that's like a week yeah that's about a week in food also if you want to have let's say a couple you're looking at about 300 330 a week in food and if it's a family of four you're looking at about four to 500 bucks a week just just to buy food and and I'm being very conservative with the prices because some people like to eat more and stuff you know so I just wanted to let you know about the rent situation how rent works here go to MLS comm click on rent on the left side and I've used MLS comm many times for moving my store around or finding a place to rent or finding people a place to rent when they come to the city to visit me I do that a lot so please go to ms comm click on rent on the left side and then put your budget and see what you get and go on Google Maps and do do a kind of survey of the ground so you kind of see what's around you in the area just to make sure you know that you're not in some sketchy area either anyways guys thanks for watching and have a good one

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