The Art of Street Curses and The Distribution of Radical Leftist Literature

9 months ago

“They cursed us—not with a common cursory curse, but with long, carefully-thought-out, comprehensive curses, that embraced the whole of our career, and went away into the distant future, and included all our relations, and covered everything connected with us—good, substantial curses.” from ‘Three Men in A Boat.

When I heard that line from an audio book reading of ‘Three Men in A Boat’ I had to think of the numerous times I was insulted as I stood on the street offering revolutionary leaflets and newspapers to passersby.

I live in the city. Most of the people walking by ignore someone standing downtown offering leaflets. They glance past and just see the leafleteer as part of the urban scene. Handbills might offer trolleys for tourists, restaurants, or political issues might be at hand for whoever is interested. And some are interested, or want directions, or are bored so they stop for a moment. But, a few are angry as opponents, or the perpetually angry.

That’s when the fun starts.

People I never knew existed would launch into impromptu recitations of my job prospects, my job performance, my future earnings. My intelligence was doubted. I was accused of “not knowing what I was doing.”

Others might speculate on my sexual orientation, my sexual activities, or lack thereof, my relations to sex partners. Some speculated on my sisters. Some suggested that my parents erred when “the best part of me dripped down my father’s leg” and that the only solution would have been for my mother to have an abortion.

Some suggested that I had, indeed, copulated with close relatives on the maternal side of my family. Others asked why I wasn’t working, why I didn’t have a job, and why was I unfit for work.

These concise, cutting observations were delivered by perambulating prophets with Hemingwayesque brevity and Shakespearean gravitas. Truly an art form. I was often in awe. I had never given these people a thought, and they had my number and painted me as a paint by number work of kitsch art. Words as an artform performance art in the street. One performance only….

--- Alternate reading - Audio Mp3 (2:31 min)

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