John Ramirez: Prayer to Cancel Curses/Protection from Evil /Remove Evil Spirits

9 months ago

John Ramirez:
- Prayer to Cancel Curses
- Prayer for Protection from Evil
- Prayer to Remove Evil Spirits
NOTE => We need this more then ever, because the days are evil!
John Ramirez/Protection Prayer/Curse-breaking Prayer/Prayer for Protection from Evil/ Warfare Prayer /Warfare Prayer for Deliverance/Youtube Prayers of Protection
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John Ramirez, ex-Satanist teaches us how to protect our territories, our homes, our families, and everything that concerns us. These powerful, curse-breaking and spiritual warfare prayers will transform the way we live and help us to overcome the attacks of the enemy. Power prayer for protection by the power in the real blood of Jesus. Pray these miracle prayers and powerful morning prayers throughout the day, as you experience God's power in your life. One should pray Deliverance prayers everyday to gain the upper hand in spiritual warfare. A warfare prayer before starting your day, will help you tackle the issues that you face. God wants us to be free by trusting in His word.
If you are saying, "I want healing prayer for myself or deliverance of any kind", then pray the prayers in this video. When we pray prayers to cancel curses, we are cancelling the evil plans of the enemy against our lives and praying for anxiety to go away.
John Ramirez' deliverance prayers will help us free ourselves from the powers of the enemy. prayer to break ancestral curses. These prayers cover issues like scripture anxiety, morning prayer for family protection, prayer request for protection, a prayer to protect me from evil, and prayer for protection of home and family because Jesus set us free by the shedding of His rich blood. Powerful interview with John Ramirez and Frankie Mazzapica. If you are saying, "Pray for me", pray this is your prayer in agreement with John Ramirez. If you need prayer to break a curse, or prayer to cancel curses, pray this prayer everyday it is also a prayer for safety and healing. Pray these prayers along with John Ramirez to edify and build ourselves up in Christ. It is important to pray spiritual warfare prayers against enemies, in order for us to live in freedom. John Ramirez prays prayers to break family curses, prayers to break generational curses, prayer for debt deliverance and prayer to break ancestral curses In this motivational video, John Ramirez, prays powerful curse-breaking prayers. These powerful spiritual battle prayers by John Ramirez are life-changing.
warfare prayer for deliverance
morning spiritual warfare prayers
prayer for protection from evil
prayer for family protection
prayer for travel safety
short prayer for protection
prayer for protection and guidance
prayer for safety and healing
a warfare prayer before starting your day
prayer to break ancestral curses
prayer for house blessing and protection
morning prayer for family protection
spiritual protection prayer
unlocking the subconscious mind
a prayer to protect me from evil
prayer request for protection
prayer for protection of home and family
prayer for deliverance from depression
prayer for persecuted Christians
real blood of Jesus
power prayer for protection
prayer to cancel curses
prayer to remove evil spirits
Be Free in Jesus' Name
#protection prayers #prayer for family protection #BeFreeinJesusName
Source: "
Note: These are not necessarily the beliefs of the uploader. Discernment is required to see the Truth in all of it. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus Christ is the Light that came into the world. There is NO other name by which you can be saved! Repent, be baptized and Born Again!
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