5 Steps to Manage Difficult Employees

9 months ago

Managing difficult employees is hard work as a manager. In 5 Steps to Manage Difficult Employees, I take you a tried and tested approach that makes managing difficult employees a lot easier.

Dealing with problem employees, poor attitudes, disruptive behaviour, or poor quality work is emotionally and energy draining. Even worse is problem employees that work very well and deliver results yet are nightmares to manage.

The worst thing you can do with difficult employees in the workplace is do nothing. You must take action and do this in a fair way. When thinking about how to manage difficult employees also think about being fair to that person in the eyes of the remaining team members. If you are not, they will be thinking when will it be my turn.

The first step with problem employees is to find out why they are causing problems. Only in a small percentage of cases is that person being difficult for the sake of being difficult. Being difficult is usually a symptom of other issues.

When managing difficult staff, it is essential to set you expectations clearly with the person. Put them in writing so you both have a reference point.

Then think about how to coach difficult employees to give them the best chance of improving their behaviour or work. This is a really important step in dealing with difficult people and as you are giving the tools to improve and showing you are being fair to the rest of the team.

Don’t beat around the bush when dealing with difficult people – give then honest clear feedback on what is going well and what still needs improving. This gives them the best chance to make changes.

If taking the steps outlined so far doesn’t result in consistent improvement, then you should not allow the status quo to continue. Take action. Managing problem employees into a more suitable role within or external to the business may be a necessity for them, you, and your team.

Difficult employees are definitely a test of your management skills. Take action in a fair support way and more time than not you will get a good outcome for everyone.

Good luck.

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