He Shaves His Beard And Can't Believe The Reactions He Gets

7 years ago

After growing out his beard for a very long time, this father decides to shave it all off - much to the shock of everyone in his life! Their reactions are priceless. Once everyone is sleeping, this father records himself shaving his beard off, he looks so different without a huge beard.

When he wakes up his wife in the morning, she is completely shocked, she thinks she is still dreaming, so funny! This transformation will probably take a lot of time to get used to! His wife had never seen him without a beard. What a hilarious moment to get on camera! It is crazy to see how much a beard changes someone's face, you might not even recognize the person!

The beard trend has been very popular for these last few years, and almost every guy is rocking it, but sometimes all you need is a clean-shaved baby face. Or at least a stubble, but not a huge beard that covers your whole face. This dad's transformation is truly incredible and he looks like a totally different man in the end. That's 1.5 years of growing a beard gone in just 1.5 minutes of shaving. Awesome!

When he slips into bed next to his wife, she is too sleepy to notice something is off about him...he seems lighter! But reality strikes her when she sees something odd in the camera and then turns to face his freshly shaven profile. It is like love at first sight all over again!

Have someone you know ever cut off their long beard? Did they look completely different? Let us know in the comment section down below!

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