My Mother is In and Out of ICU with COPD, Needing BiPAP Due to High CO2, Can She Stay Home?

9 months ago

My Mother is In and Out of ICU with COPD, Needing BiPAP Due to High CO2, Can She Stay Home?

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Hi, it’s Patrik Hutzel from Intensive Care at Home where we provide tailor-made solutions for long-term ventilated adults and children with tracheostomies and where we also provide tailor-made solutions for hospitals and intensive care units whilst providing quality care for our clients. And also we look after medically complex clients, adults and children at home, including Home BiPAP (bilevel positive airway pressure), Home CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) Home TPN (total parenteral nutrition). We are also providing IV infusions at home, including IV potassium, magnesium and electrolyte infusions.

So in today’s blog, I want to read a question from a reader and the question is, “My mom has COPD. She’s in and out of intensive care with high CO2”. CO2 is carbon dioxide. “It places her on BiPAP in ICU. However, and they are also pushing me to put her on a breathing tube and intubate her. But they’re also saying that it’s very risky and, if she goes on the breathing tube that she may never come off it and that outcomes may be catastrophic. What should I do if this happens again?”

Well, that’s a great question from you and here is the answer.

So, what you should be doing in a situation like that is, if your mom has COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and she’s got high CO2, she probably needs BiPAP overnight at least. And she probably needs BiPAP during certain periods during the day. And that is something that can be done at home and that will most likely at least in the short term, keep her off intubation and the breathing tube.

Now, I don’t have all the details, of course, from what you’re sharing with me. However, what probably needs to be done here, your mom needs to go for a sleep study and they need to do a sleep study on the BiPAP, do some arterial blood gases (230), see whether the CO2 or the carbon dioxide can be lowered with the BiPAP. Most likely can be.

And then you will also see that your mom’s condition will improve. You will also see that once the CO2 is down to normal levels, you will see that she’s no longer confused because usually a high CO2 or carbon dioxide will make patients confused and you will see her condition will improve big time. So then there should also be no longer any need for going into ICU or into intensive care.

Now, here’s how you can make this happen in the long run. So, what is really important here is with our service Intensive Care at Home, we have a number of clients at home on BIPAP or on CPAP that have either overnight intensive care nurses or even during the day, depending on how often the BiPAP or the CPAP is needed. But this is exactly how we keep patients out of intensive care. By sending the intensive care nurse into the home. If your mom goes into intensive care on the BiPAP, well, she also needs an intensive care nurse, we might as well send that intensive care nurse into the home and provide the same level of service at home. So your mom can stay home predictably and your mom can improve her quality of life at home. Predictably.


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