Baby otter thoroughly explores owner's refrigerator

6 years ago

You don't see many pet otters around, but they sure are extremely cute. Just like any other animal or pet, this otter loves to play. Watch as this otter turns its owner's fridge into a playground, exploring every inch of the cold plastic wasteland. If you're that size, I mean why not right? Just look at how much fun this curious otter is having in there!

Everyone loves different animals as pets for different reason. Most say that their choice is cute, others go for intelligence, while there are a certain few that love to be different. You could argue that having this little guy as a pet can constitute all three of those lines of reason. Regardless this little otter is as cute as a button!

Would you ever consider getting an otter as a pet? Did you even know that you could get an otter as a pet? If you want to see more adorable pets doing funny things, be sure to visit to get your daily dose of cuteness.

Cartel the Asian small clawed otter takes some time to investigate a refrigerator in hopes of finding some treats. Too cute!

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