Feminine Energy at the Heart of EMOTIONAL PROCESSING Part 2

9 months ago

Feminine Energy at the Heart of

The TRUE HUMAN BEINGS, Masculine, Feminine:
What ARE our instruments, our innate tools for love and healing?
I have recorded three videos on this topic, as I realised there was important information to be gleaned regarding femininity and its true power.

I started questioning two parts of the same thing:

Needing to Understand Emotional Processing Fully :
for ourselves
with our love partners and children
Needing to work out how to VALUE Femininity in the world- and in ourselves.

I experienced directly this week, the impact of not fully possessing the information of emotional processing, despite practising this consciously for years. I want to identify and express the value of this within the world, and why it is essential we fully discover and bring it back into our lives and new systems.

( Just so you understand…I often cut out the little moments of silence in between each line of channeling, so that you get a somewhat smoother ‘ride’ while e I am communing with my greater self. )
FEMININE ENERGY & What is MISSING from our knowledge of EMOTIONAL PROCESSING? Part 2


Emotional processing: Body movement, sound, commands
1.35 The search is on, for fine tuning regarding the natural process of emotional clearing from humans in a relationship of love. How can we allow this process fo work fully and naturally. What information is still missing form this natural phenomena between the feminine and the masculine?
2.00 we need to know how to recognise residual energy, when we haven’t quite processed it fully.
And as ever, this is hot to my current experience. So I address it.
3.00 I set up the story of what is requiring processing: Deaths on Maui, and personal friends’ deaths. The Grief is experienced and processed through my being, because the fields of our hearts are merged.
4.22 Describing the process of transferring and processing the grief we both felt. However, there was still some emotional energy which got stuck in my system, of which I was UNAWARE- which caused an accident later in the day.
5.00 Full and free emotional processing is what is so essential. Especially as the extremes of the world are demanding more of our emotions.
5.30 Because the bad are getting badder, it is very easy for us, holders of the New Earth, to be tipped off balance and we need to remain stable.
5.55 What I did not understand, were three things:
How to communicate what I did with my heart- I had not appreciated or acknowledged the value of this work to MYSELF - not given myself payment…( he knew it.)
7.20 It has been - bar prostitution- impossible for femininity to create money in our matrix system.
8.20 We have to go right back to the values: female translating and transforming what is brought to her at the heart of the family. The male, bringing things in. - physical and emotional. We know the current masculinisation of the females and the loss if identity of males is an agenda.
11.00 Hard to attract material wealth as the feminine- when you don’t want to play the masculine game (really the reptiles/matrix agenda of selling through face and manipulation).
However, I hold the value of who and what I am, and so receive outside of the monetary system. from nature, humans, and my Source-given creativity.
12.00 A complex BRIDGE has to be built to the matrix system, if we are to receive money for living in this world- because the mAiTricks is not my architecture.
12.40 So we need to understand the true value of this feminine quality, and acknowledge it AS A REAL THING. ( I recap to explain this passage of energy which happens with the natural emotional processing through love.)
14.00 In a separate video I investigate HOW such heavy emotional energy cane processed (LINK)- using strong sound in the ancient form of low toning to shift it from the centre of the body and convert it into sound, earthing it into the soil as a seed, compressing it and ingesting it through the digestive tract- at any rate it needs more reprocessing: using the natural alchemical plant-work of nature, which is designed to utilise our wastes and turn it into growth (Co2, manure)
15.50 The thing I have been stuck on is: I didn’t recognise I was still retaining negative energy- and this needs attention. We need to know what we are holding, whether we are clean, pure and fully source-connected, if we wish to materialise the new and the better.
17.00 So I could have still held some energy of the sadness of my fiends’ death- as I spoke to her spirit to remind her to choose the LOVE and nothing lesser, and still felt her energy with me as I chose the song for her funeral.
18.20 I choose to do these things of release and emotional transference, because I know it is how I am designed: I can, and therefore, I do. But it IS work. And it is unrecognised.
19.40 When I do my real work with children, I am clothing it in the garb of “how to sing, how to act and how to dance.’ Really it is about retaining their Source energy connection, learning how to recognise their inner lives and process emotions.
20.18 I go deeper within to access and channel my Greater Self, with more profound information.
21.18 Definitions of original masculine and feminine are read out and the original intentions and differences:
21.21 “Feminine of course, was designed as the receptacle for receiving the new life. - Receiving some of the life force essence, which is already protozoa, from the man- it has its own life-force. It has no complete sol, it is however, an in-between stye, the sperm,- those little guys with their tails.
And the female is the receptacle for that but, what else is she the receptacle for ? She has to be receptive to the divine force of all creation, so that what she has passively within her, -her own genetic material ( quite a passive thing, is an egg, if you think how long it has been in a female body, before it is finally brought out and matured and becoming half of the genetic information for a human being). You have the active male, and you have the very passive female. However, her body is, literally a funnel to receive, form both the earth, where she receives all the physical three dimensional nutrients, and of course, divine Source-field, where all the codes for implementing a body to be built within her.
So, her antenna are designed to be receptive. And how this equates to the emotion, is what you are wanting to know, isn’t it?
We are traditionally told, ‘the man is less emotional’, this , of course is utterly untrue. Every man, every woman IS emotion, ENERGY in MOTION. -Just the men were of course, taught to hide. They don’t have any less emotion, they have the same suffering of pain and grief. All they do, is they put a lid upon it.
If they are fortunate enough to have a female to allow that processing of energy, they are lightened. Do they acknowledge this? ( My beloved DID.) Of course, most of the time, they do not. It is wisdom, which has been idea, however, it can be seen and felt, and known. It is just- as you know in your culture,- a very small value. And as you have been shouting-out for days, no financial value. (Also not true for my beloved…he is one of the exceptions….). -No recognised value in the world.
There may be some men who know this, and give to their women, and love them in that way. - Materially too, abundantly too. However, eventually, the woman feels bad and inadequate, because the world says, ‘this is nothing- this is a nothing you do, woman!’
And you’ve known for many years, however, that the emotional ‘take on’ of the man was generally, generally processed through your monthly period. However, you have decided years ago, not to have that any more, and here you are in this situation you are still processing, the emotional information, the energy. And still, attempting to understand it fully in order to pass this on. “
24.30 I see an image of the ouroborus. The figure of eight: smaller on top, larger below- the original ‘mother’ symbol.
24.50 I have been feeling, tremendously of late, the cross in the centre of this section- as a limiting structure. I describe the user fat diaphragm muscles and associated muscular systems as the means of air control to alter the quality, tone, shape, dynamic and pitch of the sung and spoken sounds we create.
25.58 But this X shape keeps coming up.
26.36 What IS the cross in the middle?
Often when I am receiving strong information, I experience a blockage, a pressure as though there is an x present. ( In a class with Oksana Buchanan, I said it felt like the ancestral genetic limiting programming inherited from my rather reptilian mother. There is much more about WAHT this in the next video….)
27.00 We don’t know what this is yet, -but we need to. I actually feel my throat constructing as I say this.
27.30 Worldwide, terrible things are being done. We have to understand our ability, within the body, to process and change it, in order to bring in the true Earth and vanquish our would-be controllers.
28.12 I go to get some more information: “ Passivity, and Emotional Absorption: os tor you take it on without knowing, without realising. You walk in a room, you no longer recognise your reaction. But YOU (me) do, you know, ‘this feels like “this”….you are sensitively aware to almost everything around you. And that is good. And yet, you get cross, because you missed this ‘thing’. Wow…now let’s talk about you as the singer( I make a funny tone). If you did those sounds while walking down a street, you would be considered a ‘loony’. - This is the thing still: you could have made those sounds and you would have processed ‘it’. And instantly. ( Those sounds use the strong muscular system where the ‘cross’ sensation is located. )
29.4 I send you to Daniel Scranton who also makes these sounds when he is clearing to allow spirit to talk with him in his channeling. Ancient sounds, Amerindian. For me its a little masculine- so I don’t make them too often.
30.00 I feel we have something imposed on our system: an X. A structure imposed upon us by the matrix?
30.24 “Funny thing you would say that, hey! - Like a belt, like an elastic band, squeezing you tight, just where it hurts, hey! What would happen if you just cut it and it went ‘ping, pang, pong!’? Remember the girls in the 1920’s, when they said, “enough of this!”. They took off their corsets, and there they were, in their little square dresses. They did bind their breasts a little bit, but they said, “enough of that! We are not going to be ‘this’ shape!” - Chi shape any more, that keels over the at the first gasp of emotional trauma. - Falling over in those dying corsets, having our ribs distended
distorted and bruised and bashed by those metal and whale bone monstrosities. “Here we are! We will be square! We will be dancing, and we will be moving and free and breathing!” - And the Nineteen 20’s was born. And lots of other weird and wonderful things were born then too: ( my own grandmother married a man who was a transvestite, and she found out later. Cross-dressing was done a lot. There was a lot of the gay agenda, coming up massively: the “Bright Young Things’, - I have relatives who were ‘the bright young things’. It was a big transitional moment. However, was this balanced?
31.35 “No, because the women were then ,’flat’. And square. ( Me:Was that good?) Of course not.
No. We are still in grave places of bouncing to one side and to another and nit yet finding our true centre origin.
“The Female’- feel it. What is it, truly? Is it a pinched moment? Or is that the ‘xero point?’ Is this the hourglass that you are: receive from Source, receive from Earth. To an equal balance man harmony. Female- you just, or course said, you receive from Earth- your ‘tomatoes’ you ‘cucumber’ your, ‘beans’ your ‘plums’! These things from earth, directly given to you. easy, abundant harvest. If you were only a farmer, you would be a wealthy girl, would you not? And you have made much money from selling plants in the past. It was easy, wasn’t it? because you used your self and the earth, yes, So…perhaps it is because everything you are doing this culture is so distanced from that. In order to see something, you need certificates and licenses and shops, and all the trappings of commerce and marketing and advertising, and trading standards. And finally, when you get to the end of it, you are exhausted and sick, and you no longer find the joy in the thing you produced or wished to sell. -Isn’t that a ‘clever’ system? If you want to destroy something good and natural.
In the same way, you as a singer: here you are, with a voice. This is from the waist -up. - The generation of sound into the air. Can you create money with that? no, of course you can’t. Because the way the system was created, was to devalue anything which was done like that. Anything of that case was devalued,
33.33 and the only things that were valued, were the systems which were distorted, and heavily manufactured with machines. That’s called the “Pop Industry’ and your natural ability to sing with, to receive songs of Soul Source in a moment, for a person,- an individual at a particular time, which thousands of years ago or hundreds perhaps only, would have been considered a gift, and valued, and you would have been the ‘travelling bard’ as it were, in female form- is also dis-valued.
So how do you receive your goodness? How do you receive your sustenance?
This ’other’ processing, this ‘X’ moment, is perhaps something to see : the transition between the formless and the formed. When you are as an empathic human, receiving energy from another person, into your body, your energetic structure, - releasing it, that is a service.
34.34 You do not want to become vacuum cleaners for others- no! It is, however, a ‘mutual system’: he gives, you receive. As a result, you give to him, - it has to be in that ‘flow’, that has to be there. And the giving needs to be open- you need to be open to receive the giving.
35.00 How are we open to receive the giving? Think of sex, girls: how are you open to receive the man? - Enlivened and excited and aroused. So your system is already up, and open. It has been stimulated, it has been changed and transformed.
So, first, something came in a non-tangible way, and then something came tangibly. And what came intangibly, was a gift.- of attention, ‘energy attention’ form the man to you, which stimulates and turns-on and activates your system, so that then you are open receive.
That is what happens with the money, too.
35.49 When you allow yourself to be seen for what you are, who you are…and when I mean, ‘seen’, - by yourself, first. You cannot be seen by another, unless you see your self first, or you are an empty space in the mirror.
If you can honour, and know and understand, the ability, naturally built in to your body-system, as a spirit of feminine ( you have chosen to be female, many times over. It is your preferred essence. The you have to acknowledge, who and what that essence is.
36.30 You have these images of the Muse. What is the muse? It is one, who by being who they are, does what we just said the the man does for you: Your BEING of SOUrce Connection, connected into the divine, means that you shine brightly. And he will see it. The males….the “purchasers” of that energy, they see it, they feel it and they do value it.
But they only value it is the sender, the muse itself will acknowledge who and what they are. - And hold themselves precious and sacred- for it is all too easy to be ‘taken from’ in this world. You have to hold yourself precious and sacred.
And we don’t know how to do these things either. - Missing information on so many levels….
And the Muse stimulates within the man, and he becomes ready to receive the Source Energy. I ire-minds him, and then he receives the ‘current’ through from the female. - Kari talks about this in her book ( The Great Circle of Desire, by Kari Star).
“He’ HAS divine connection but, he gets a stronger connection through his connection energetically and/or physically, to the female. It’s just how it works magnetically. - Just like the woman gets a certain things when she receives his cock inside her. - It is a different experience, we are built in these ways.
38.04 And so the Muse sets-off a process in him, and he then is activated to go and do and be and achieve, because of that information which has come through- in to him. - SO the ‘payment’ has bene made. The value of ‘she’, the giving to ‘he’, and the understanding what he has received.
In the same way, the woman will repay the man for what she receives by processing his emotion, as he comes into her sexually, and also by the creation of the children.
38.48 So this value system is so important: the cycles of value, the cycles of exchange between masculine and feminine, because in every aspect, they are echoed out into the world in the realm of commerce. “How is this valued?’ Why is ‘this’ valued, and ‘this’ is not? Because the system is one thing. And if we are to build our New Earth we have to understand how to value what is important. And unless you can truly acknowledge, know and appreciate for yourself what you are doing, there is no way you will receive reciprocal value for it.
39.30 It is hard to put into words, that which has not been conjugated before.
It is hard to define that which has been ephemeral, invisible, and considered, “nothing”. - Just as in the same way, the world of ‘imagination’ was considered, “nothing”. - So many things were considered, “nothing”- ‘Electricity’- no-one knew about tit (apparently) a hundred years ago, - or a little more than that, and now we use it for every single moment of every single day. Ho strange is that?
40.00 There are plenty of changes, - I am not saying the electrical change was the best one, however, we can learn to redefine our true value systems. We need to start to shape, hold and define them.

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“My mission, is to teach people to be their full selves. - That’s always been it, whether it’s a child, or an adult or a toad, you know- it’s always been that.”

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