SpaceX Crew7 liftoff towards Space station | Nasa | SpaceX | Launch

9 months ago

Spacex Crew 7 Launch LIVE | SpaceX And NASA Launch International Crew On Space Station Mission

The launch was scrubbed Friday because NASA says they wanted more time to make sure it is safe, even though everything is fine. Specifically, the team wants to do more analysis on the Dragon capsule's environmental control and life support system. That system provides clean air and water to the crew inside the spacecraft.

At the Kennedy Space Center's launch complex 39A, the Dragon Crew Capsule 'Endurance' sits atop its powerful Falcon 9 rocket, ready for a 3:27 a.m. liftoff with the promise to reshape the future of space travel.

The NASA SpaceX Crew-7 mission has four astronauts from four different space agencies, a first for the commercial crew program. Commanding is NASA's Jasmin Moghbeli, Danish astronaut Andreas Mogensen of the European Space Agency will serve as a pilot, and mission specialists from their countries’ respective agencies are Russian Konstantin Borisov and Satoshi Furukawa from Japan.

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