Donald Trump arrest Bray Wyatt

9 months ago

Donald Trump has been officially booked
in Georgia on charges of attempting to
overturn his 2020 election defeat in the
this is the mug shot released by Fulton
County Sheriff's Office and we can
expect to see a lot more before the next
election the former president and the
front-runner for the Republican Party
nomination in 2024 arrived in Atlanta
earlier to protesters and supporters
before surrendering himself to the
authorities a North America
correspondent Sean delete reports
a snapshot in history this is the first
mug shot ever taken of anyone accused of
committing crimes as U.S president
it's not the first time Donald Trump has
been booked but in his three other
criminal cases he's been excused
photographing he is after all one of the
most recognizable people on the planet
Fulton County Sheriff said that Donald
Trump would be treated like any other
prisoner but if you look over my
shoulder here you can see certainly the
Security operation is huge police
vehicles helicopters drones for blocks
around the jail now part of that is
because he is a former president part of
that is down to the protesters and
counter protesters these Donald Trump
supporters among those who believe in
the face of all of the evidence to the
country that Joe Biden lost the last
election for these Trump supporters it's
all part of a Sinister plot to Rob him
of the White House the rights of
Americans are being Stripped Away Today
is one of the most obvious
versions of it that are going on while
we're putting a former president in jail
he firmly believed like we do too the
election was not fair was not
transparent it's lack of Integrity duh
if Donald Trump was laying on the beach
right now on his Beach playing golf this
wouldn't be happening behind us how do
you know that I know it for a fact how
because I'm an intelligent person
others celebrated how will history
remember Donald Trump are there criminal
and hopefully a convicted criminal if
for some reason he gets to be president
because the dumb people in this country
who are not using what their brain cells
elect him I am going to fight against it
for the next four years I'm hoping that
this gets recorded in history I'm hoping
that this is one of the last times that
we have to hear from this individual and
the people that he represents but I'm
not sure that it will be Donald Trump
entered the jailhouse just after 7 30
p.m local time he was technically in
custody for less than half an hour
released on a 200 000 Bond what has
taken place here is the travesty of
Justice we did nothing wrong I did
nothing wrong
this will be a day America remembers the
first of a Kind photograph destined for
Museum walls and the history books
Sean Dilly BBC News in Fulton County
let's go live to Washington now to
Atlanta rather and Sean Dilly is there
always been following all the
developments hi Sean and you spoke to
quite a lot of people outside the court
a lot of supporters Trump supporters
what do you think it will do in terms of
his base support will it make any
difference this latest arrest
well very few of the people who turned
up to the jail today were Republicans
saying do you know I'm slightly
undecided about this so those who turn
up were there either to support him and
there were people who weren't Republican
voters as we heard in our report there
but what was interesting I was wandering
around with my colleagues Ron
um and
um at the time we were particularly when
we were filming one of the interviews
um we kind of had somebody come up on
our position they were quite angry that
we were chatting
um and and sort of asking questions and
challenging uh the fact that many of the
people there believe despite all of the
evidence of the contrary that Joe Biden
lost the last election so it's really
quite an extraordinary position for all
of us to be in
was Donald Trump's reaction to having
his photo taken now one that as you said
in your report will go down in history
he said he well I mean certainly if you
look at it he's very angry right but he
said that it was a travesty that he was
there in the first place it was deeply
um he said that uh it was uncomfortable
because he said he didn't do anything uh
wrong in that circumstance
um but you know clearly on the one hand
he says well when we get indicted I do
really well on the other hand he says
it's a bad thing it probably is a little

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