The Surprising Signal From Voyager 2 After Communication Breakdown

9 months ago

The surprising signal from <link>Voyager 2</link> after the communication breakdown refers to an event that occurred in November 2020. <link>Voyager 2</link> is a space probe launched by <link>NASA</link> in 1977 to study the outer planets of our solar system. Here are the details:

- Communication Breakdown: In early November 2020, <link>NASA</link> reported a planned maneuver for <link>Voyager 2</link>, which required firing up a set of thrusters that hadn't been used in 37 years. However, after the thruster test, a fault protection routine was triggered, causing the spacecraft to go into a safe mode to protect itself. This led to a communication breakdown, and <link>NASA</link> lost contact with <link>Voyager 2</link>.

- The Surprising Signal: Despite the communication breakdown, on November 30, 2020, <link>NASA</link> received a signal from <link>Voyager 2</link>. The signal indicated that the spacecraft was still alive and functioning, despite being over 11.6 billion miles away from Earth.

- Deep Space Network: <link>NASA</link>'s <link>Deep Space Network (DSN)</link> was responsible for receiving the signal from <link>Voyager 2</link>. The <link>DSN</link> is a network of antennas located around the world that enables communication with deep space missions like <link>Voyager</link>.

- Diagnostic and Recovery: After receiving the signal, <link>NASA</link> began diagnostic tests and recovery procedures to investigate the cause of the fault protection routine and restore full communication with <link>Voyager 2</link>. It took several weeks to fully resolve the issue and resume normal operations.

- Successful Recovery: <link>NASA</link> reported that by late February 2021, they had successfully restored two-way communication with <link>Voyager 2</link> and returned the spacecraft to its regular science operations.

The surprising signal from <link>Voyager 2</link> after the communication breakdown demonstrated the resilience of the spacecraft and the ingenuity of the teams at <link>NASA</link> in maintaining contact with distant missions. <link>Voyager 2</link> continues to provide valuable data about the outer reaches of our solar system as it ventures into interstellar space.

If you have any more questions or need additional information, feel free to ask!

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