The Best Homemade Chicken Pizza Recipe|Delicious Easy Recipes

9 months ago

The Best Homemade Chicken Pizza Recipe|Delicious Easy Recipes


The Best Homemade Chicken Pizza Recipe|Delicious Easy Recipes

Sugar-1/2 tsp
Lukewarm Water
Boneless Chicken Pieces
Chicken Black Pepper Salami
Black Pepper-2tsp
Olive Oil
Garlic Sauce
Mozzarella cheese
Parmesan Cheese
Tomato Slices
Black Olives
Onion Rings
Butter-1/2 cup

1. Take a bowl add yeast, sugar, lukewarm water and mix it .Keep it aside for 10minutes.
2. Take a bowl; add flour, salt, extra virgin olive oil, yeast mixture and lukewarm water.
Make dough out of it .Cover it and leave this dough for 1hrs for rising.
3. After 1hrs turn dough on to a well-floured surface, knead gently 4-5 times. Divide this dough into two parts. Again keep them aside for rising.
4. Each one will make a thin crust pizza. Shape the pizza base with hands.
5. Sprinkle semolina on the pizza pan, press the dough to fit a greased pan.
6. Heat the pan, add butter. After butter gets melted add boneless chicken pieces.
7. Stir it, add salt and black pepper.
8. When it gets cooked remove it from heat.
9 .Brush the olive oil on the base of the pizza then spread garlic sauce.
10. After that spread fried boneless chicken, parmesan cheese, chicken black pepper salami, mozzarella cheese.
11. Add tomato slices, onion rings, mozzarella cheese, oregano, black olives.
12. Bake at 200 c for 25minutes.
13.Cut this into slices and serve hot.

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