Wolf attacks camel and gets hurt!

9 months ago

Camels are mammalian animals that have as a striking feature the presence of two humps on their backs. Camels are large animals, measuring more than two meters in height. Camels weigh, as adults, between 300 and 690 kilograms. In general, males are larger than females. Camel calves are born weighing around 37 kilograms. Camels are docile animals adapted to life in the desert. But like any animal, they can become aggressive if they are in stressful situations or if they feel threatened. As shown in this video which shows the moment a mother camel used her own body to protect her calf from being attacked by wolves in north-central China. According to reports, the camel protected her calf for about four hours until rescuers arrived. The wolves and the mother camel fled after hearing the noise of the car, and rescuers checked on the injured calf. The calf would be just a month old. His leg was broken and was operated on at a vet. But he was later released back into the wild once he was recovered. In this other video it shows a camel fighting a donkey, and while the two animals are fighting, the camel can be seen biting the donkey in the back and catching him in its jaws, and when the donkey fell, it couldn't walk straight anymore, it seemed that the Camel had paralyzed the donkey with just a single bite. People in the comments couldn't believe that a camel could so easily paralyze another animal with just its teeth. Some people even went so far as to say that the person recording it should have tried to stop the fight, but it probably would have been impossible for the person to do so as they could have probably gotten hurt.

#Camels #Wolves #Donkey

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