HARD TO WATCH!!! RFK Jr: Aborted Baby Dismembered Parts Sold for Research

9 months ago

Robert F Kennedy Jr learns about the market for baby body parts sold for research. And for use in the manufacture of vaccines. Actual catalogs exist for sales of body parts for medical research. I thought this was illegal??? A heart must be beating, so an aborted baby is murdered without anesthesia. TOTALLLLLLLLY HORRRRIFFFICC.

Listen to this horrifying discussion between RFK and Dr. Theresa Deisher about the use of aborted fetuses in vaccine research.

Did you know that the fetal cells used to study vaccines and "grow viruses" are harvested from the hearts of fetuses that are still alive? They literally crank open their chest, harvest cells from the heart while it's still beating, and do all this WITHOUT any anesthesia. It has it be from an alive beating heart.

You can see how dumbfounded and disgusted RFK is when learning the full scope of this. Every part of the aborted fetus is sold once it's euthanized as well. The heart, thymus, kidney, etc, are sold for various types of scientific research, much of it for vaccines and drug research, but some of it is sold for beauty products, food flavoring research, and numerous other industries.

We have an entire economy built around the use of dead fetuses. It's treated like a commodity, and the organizations performing these abortions are making immense amounts of money from it, while also lobbying for "women's right to choose".

What if the abortion issue has nothing to do with women's rights, but is instead driven by just profit motive and this barbaric and evil vaccine industry? How can anyone consider this acceptable? How cold and soulless do you have to be to think this is okay?

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